past times
Well-Known Member

It has been a couple years since my last journal, but thought I would throw up what I have been working on lately. I made a guest bedroom into an office/movie theater/grow lab. The Flower room is a tent that fit perfectly into the closet. Dimensions of tent 22"x36"x63. It has 2 different exhaust systems, both exiting the attic. The fans are in the attack also (Firmly attached to the roof studs, well above insulation. The power cords feed into closet in adjacent room so all electrical connections are away from insulation also). A closed exhaust for the light dimmable 600 watt (kept at 450watts). 4 inch inline fan with carbon filter for outtake at the top, with passive intakecoming in bottom left. All power connections are made in closet in adjacent bedroom (Including ballast). I can keep the the closet closed with closet door shut and runs at 84 degrees.
Smoke break

The veg room is just a bunch of outlets i Wired together in an old gutted dresser. 1 large PC fan pulling air in on the left. It is small, like 16"x28"x30ish".
That is the first plant I will complete in this set-up. It is flowering super fast. Those pics are at 43 days flowering. I will post pics of everything today. She will be at day 49 when lights click on.

The next wave after this is 2 x G13 Kush and 2 x Arzan's Haze #2. They are about 27 days into flowering. These pics are of them at 2 weeks. My room is pretty jam packed so they stretched a bit more then I think they would have with the proper space. I pruned the buds off the lower halves last week. I left most of the fan leaves down there though. Just snipped of bud site.