600 watt HPS on a 4 x4 area


Active Member
Do you think this is going to be enough light?

I was planning on white widow, mazar, and blueberry seeds. You think thats a good selection for mothers or are there other shorter growing indicas or indica/sativa mixs you would recommend?



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah the 6 will do just fine.I'd get a cooltube for it though cuz with the tube and fan its like growing with a cfl being they can grow right into the light without going up in smoke.I keep mine at 8 inches off the canopy and never even thought about burning a leaf.I have a 6x7 room thats 7 1/2 feet tall.Light on with cooltube temp stays right at 74 degrees.Peeeeeeerfect.Never tried it without the fan runnin so cant tell ya fan off temp.I'm runnin a 6 inch duct booster fan from home depot for the light and have a 6 inch vortec with carbon filter for the room when it starts smellin.So far I've yet to run the vortex.Dam cheap ass fan is doing a fine job by itself.Figures being I payed 300+ for the carbon/fan combo and just 27 buck for the home depot fan.:?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I use 2, 1000w on an 8x4 and it does great.
600w, should be sufficient for a 4x4.
My next setup is going to be 3 600w for each 8x4 tray.
After a little research on light distribution I have deduced this to be the optimal
setup. More light and less watts.

But, just having 1 1000w on a 4x4 would be optimal for you IMO.
That is, if your using every inch of your 4x4 for plants.
Because, your light intensity is going to be low on the edges of your tray with 600w.
Which you can combat by lollipopping your plants, and tying your plants towards the light


Well-Known Member
yeah, im runnin a 600w in about a 3' x 2.5' baby crib and wouldnt recomend it for a 4 x 4. id go with the 1000w. you may be able to make it work but the buds probably wont be as dense because you will need to have the light higher to cover that much space.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
yeah, im runnin a 600w in about a 3' x 2.5' baby crib and wouldnt recomend it for a 4 x 4. id go with the 1000w. you may be able to make it work but the buds probably wont be as dense because you will need to have the light higher to cover that much space.

WHAT??? Hey been using a 400 watter for years on a light mover in a 2.5 x 5 area. The 600 digital ballast is far superior. You'll be more than fine, assuming its an electronic ballast.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I use 2, 1000w on an 8x4 and it does great.
600w, should be sufficient for a 4x4.
My next setup is going to be 3 600w for each 8x4 tray.
After a little research on light distribution I have deduced this to be the optimal
setup. More light and less watts.

Interesting. I have an 8x4 area with 3 600's and have been recently thinking 2 1000's might be better just for the deeper light penetration.


Active Member
i have a 600w digi going in a 5x3 area. now couldn't I fill up the entire area with plants and the ones in the middle will jut grow denser buds which I can donate to the collectives, and the one plants on the outside will just be something like auto-flowering plants which i assume would do just fine with picking up the light furthest from th reflector and those plants I can smoke myself.

I ask that because that is what I am doing . I have 6 WW fem and 3 Little Angel Auto-Flowering Fem growing and about to add 3 CLones that will take up 3 more square feet and with a total of 12 plants in a 15sqft room with a 600w digital. I think I should do just fine I wil just expect less yield ont he outer most plants, ut at leat it is something extra, yeah? Cause if the other plants aren't going to fill that area then why not put some others there?


Active Member
I got a 600 watt lumatek ballast, an artic sun reflector with 6 inch flanges for the ducting (its sealed with a glass lens for air cooling), and a 600 watt hortilux hps bulb. This is just going to be for flowering as I plan on using a bank of T5;s for my veg growth, the T5's are HO and all have single lens reflectorsand will fill the entire area over my small veg room.

I dont like the idea of SOG b/c it would require me to have too many plants in the house and increase risk. I was thinking more of SCRoG...I need to do more thinking there but dont plan to have the flowering room busting with plants. I just want to grow for personal stash a few oz a month would do just fine, I have no interest in more then that.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Sounds like it should have good results.
Only suggestion is maybe you could add T5's into your flower room to ensure proper lighting coverage.


Well-Known Member
600 in that space is more than enough, 400 is even doable. I have a 4.5x4.5x6.5ft tent with 1 400watt light with 12 plants. Check my journal. Plenty of light so far, energy efficient, and stays relatively cool. 600 would be for best results for sure though. Someone suggested a cool tube which would be perfect, but pricey.