Well-Known Member
Yeah, nice try. Seriously buddy. I've been thinking about this for a while now. It's just such total bullshit. Here we all are (some of us have better things to do) trying to help you out, only to find out that you're basically conning us all. I don't appreciate it at all. Some of us try to keep things between the lines so we don't fuck it up for everyone else (ourselves included). And then there's you, and you're still trying to lie to us. Now I know that you're underage, because only a kid would be that fucking dumb to actually believe you could just say "just kidding", and we'd buy it.LOL
I had to post that i was a kid trying to get away with this from his parents
I damn near shit my pants laughing when i posted it.
Anyway , on with the show.
CG already covered the parents' angle, and did it well so I'll leave that alone.
In short, this thread is done, it will soon be closed and your account deleted. Congrats. At least you came out and said it now, so we didn't all go further down the hole with you. I'm at least glad of that. Don't jeopardize your family's lives and home for your own selfish gain. We tried to help because we assumed you were a state legal patient growing some medicine, which has been cleared up. On with the show indeed...