How high is California’s electricity demand, and where does the power come from?
California uses 265,000 Gigawatt-hours of electricity per year. Consumption is growing at a rate of two percent annually.
In the last decade, between 29 percent and 42 percent of California’s in-state generation used natural gas. Another 10 percent to 20 percent was provided by hydroelectric power that is subject to significant annual variations.
Almost one-third of California’s entire in-state generation base is more than 40 years old.
Fifteen percent to 30 percent of statewide electricity demand is served from sources outside state borders.
Peak electricity demands occur on hot summer days. California’s highest peak demand was 52,863 megawatts and occurred July 10, 2002.
Peak demand is growing at about 2.4 percent per year, roughly the equivalent of three new 500-megawatt power plants.
Residential and commercial air conditioning represent at least 30 percent of summer peak electricity loads.
Privately owned electric utilities serve 80 percent of the load in California.