600w 4x4 organic grow tent


Active Member
Id like to sex the quickest way available if you know of one upthearsenal lemme know soon so I can do it lol


Well-Known Member
theyll show preflowers around the 4-6 week mark in veg, depending on strain characteristics. however, if you want to sex during veg sooner, you can take a cutting from your veg plant, root it, then throw in 12/12. the cloned cutting will show sex in 7-10 days after rooting and will have the same characteristics as the plant from which it was taken. This is my recommended method, but I veg longer than most.

another method is to wrap a lightproof sack around a specific branch of your plant, making sure no light gets in, for 12 hours a day. it is somewhat laborious but after 7-10 days of having the sack on the specific branch for 12 hours/day that branch will show its sex.

you can also just flip the whole bitch to 12/12, sex your plant, then throw it back into veg lighting. personally this is not my recommendation, imo it stresses the plant more than id prefer.

or, lastly, you can just let em all grow to your desired height and then flip to 12/12. Then Id cull the males if any were found, and just let the ladies pray.


Well-Known Member
Id like to sex the quickest way available if you know of one upthearsenal lemme know soon so I can do it lol
It really depends on your system. I don't know how long you want to veg but if you veg long enough (4-6 wks) they will show preflowers. The females a caylx with a pistil, and the males a little knob. You can always clone it and toss it int 12/12, if you have two rooms/areas.

I veg till I know what sex they are, then a bit more for better production, and I also at times sex with the clone method, both are good for not stressing your plants.

Good luck!


Active Member
Ok so I'm on day 2 of my 1212 cuz I was gonna sex repot veg a little longer then flip, but since everyone is kind of discouraging this maybe I should just flip back to veg lighting now. And the 4 to6 weeks does that include time spent as a seedling, I've grown before and know what to look for preflower wise. So let me know if you think I should continue down the path I'm going or say fuck it and reveg till preflowers.


Well-Known Member
If vegging that long is something you want, then do it :)

It will be a lot less stress if you switch back now as opposed to after they have been sexed. Also, if you flower a sexually mature plant (preflowers in veg) then it's response to the light cycle change is quicker and you can cut flowering time a bit


Well-Known Member
If vegging that long is something you want, then do it :)

It will be a lot less stress if you switch back now as opposed to after they have been sexed. Also, if you flower a sexually mature plant (preflowers in veg) then it's response to the light cycle change is quicker and you can cut flowering time a bit
well said.

mrorganics--just always note: switching from flowering to veg to flowering stresses a plant. also, transplanting a plant is typically one of the most, if not the most stressful aspect that a seeded plant will endure during its lifetime. unless the grower is extremely careful and has the right technique down to transplant(ie not disturb the root base), stress will be incurred.


Active Member
Ok I changed the light cycle back before it went dark today, back to 18 and 6. Also I'm wondering if maybe they'll show preflowers sooner since flowing has been prompted even though it wasn't xonsistent for 7 days, either way, I mightve seen a male but I probably won't check again for males till I water in 4 days or 5 days. I watered today so ill post some pics tommorow.


Well-Known Member
nah it wont make em switch earlier. if anything, longer to show. switching from veg to flower and back to veg stresses the plant, thus making maturation to take longer.


Active Member
At upperline, man I can't complain thus far, great foliage clean earthy scent in my growroom roots comin out the bottom, off a 30$ test box I'm happy thus far,I lstd 4 today 2 sunshine and 2 of mix, check on them tommorow, I took pics but can't upload em from my phone where I do most of my posting, how bad is transplanting a week into flower?? A friend of mine said with care not to disturb the rooball, he never has any issues and gets 3oz off a 3 gallon. If my ladies haven't shown by apr 1st imma start flowering and transplant em as sex shows... probably not the best decision but I really wanna get some legendary sour diesel growing ohh how I cannot wait, I wanana do 2 strains perpetual what do you guys think would compliment sour diesel?? And at snafu, I don't think they made the switch over 2 dark cycles but we will see I noticed abundant new growth today so I feel they're still veggin, stay with me guys some chronic organic goodness is comin!!!


Active Member
found a male yesterday big preflowers i didnt like it hes gone now, 20 more im gonna veg for a week and then flip i took off the bottom 2 leaves and branches the single bladed and first 3-5 bladed leaf. looking nice i think now that i ave the watering
regiment and the lift method down. also my house reeked of great soil and earth and im not ordering my filter unit till april 1st so i went and bought 3 renuzit odor removing things for 1$ a piece and also a citrus magic bomb the big ones thats basically a big renuzit for 3.99, covered up that soil smell really fast.2011-03-12 11.19.15.jpg2011-03-12 11.18.24.jpg2011-03-12 11.19.10.jpg2011-03-13 10.45.49.jpg2011-03-13 10.45.32.jpg2011-03-13 10.45.42.jpg


Active Member
Wow great growing man, some nice looking plants you got there, will definatly be wathing this one. I have a grow at the moment of 5 unknown bagseed clones and iv been trying to start a journal like this one but I think all I keep doing is making new threads,I think. If anybody has the time(patients) to give a step by step guide to start a journal like this it will be very much appreciated. Sorry for butting in and again great job. Thanks


Active Member
how to make a journal
step 1 make a thread
step 2 reply to your thread with updates on your plants adding images along the way the people will come

heres some side shots of my plants, been about 5 days since feeding i will get them fed in the next couple days im still confused on scheduling feeding vs plain water i cant keep my plants drying evenly so i forget which ones i feed and which ones i just water, oh well ill get em thru in the next 3 days.

side shots the lusher ones are ocen=an forest the smaller curled leaf ones and not as good looking ones are sunshine. i think i know who has my vote for the next run lol.
note one of the plants in the pic i didnt see till right now but its a male, he has been seperated also i topped 2 today leaving 4 lstd and 4 topped and one on the ltd ones is also topped. thanks for stoppin by
2011-03-14 08.34.54.jpg2011-03-14 08.34.09.jpg2011-03-14 08.33.36.jpg2011-03-14 08.39.40.jpg2011-03-14 08.38.22.jpg2011-03-14 08.35.43.jpg2011-03-14 08.39.49.jpg2011-03-14 08.38.37.jpg2011-03-14 08.33.29.jpg2011-03-14 08.37.34.jpg


Active Member
Thanx for the info dude i got it started, was feeling like a bit of an idiot for a while there. Your plants are comming along nicely, wish i could get some nutes like yours as i have a very bad habit of overfertalizing. I like to stay organic too and got AN iguana juice grow and bloom but i need some input before i give them a dose. Do you use mollases on ur babbies? p.s sorry to hear about the male


Well-Known Member
joesoap---put the link to your thread in your signature to promote more viewers.

mrorganics---sunshine has very little to no nutes in it, FFOF does, thats why the FFOF looks better. as far as feeding, i would do every other watering....and in between water with plain water. if nute burn shows, slow down the regimen...less is always more with these ladies.

whats that ring? it looks like you are trying to LST train with it? as long as it is not tinfoil(or a smilar metal that conducts heat) you should be fine....if it is a conductor, like tin foil, REMOVE IT! it will burn the crap out your plants.


Active Member
oh the ring is some ducting in the corner man, the 4 i have tied down are tied down with tape folded over itself. Hey i have a question about security of photos, like gps tracking or some shit like that, i may just be kinda high but whats up with the shit imbedded in photos? and as for the nute thing i know i just didnt wanna overdo it lol ill hook em up soon though. happy growin


Well-Known Member
if u have a gps in your phone and take a picture(like an iphone 3gs) the picture embeds your gps location as well. someone could pull ur pics and get that info if they have the technological know-how.

solution? dont take pics wqith your phone....but in the same measure, i wouldnt worry bout it too much.


Active Member
fed some yesterday and the rest today with some bioroot bio marine diamond black bioweed biothrive grow and bloom 3-1 pics to come soon im hopein they perk up soon after this feeding.