600w 4x4 organic grow tent


Active Member
sorry net was shut off ill get pics up someday theyre all between 9-14 inches i culled a nasty lookin runt and i plan on flippin em monday and transplanting after i have noticeable flowers, i know its not reccomended to transplant during flowering but ive done a bit of research and believe it will not have too detrimental of an effect on it. my friend transplants a week into flower and just pulled a 1/4 lb plant.
GOOD GROWING RIU take it easy amd show some love, btw the droopy plants look amazing i finally have the watering thing down and th leaves are sucking up towards the light...very very sexy and green now, cant wait to do everything better next time


Active Member
Plants really perked up I have calyxs on all plants some are really sativa with 11 bladed leaves and others are 9 but fatter leaves, I went to the hydro store yesterday cuz I ran out of diamond black and biomarine. The biomarine changed from liquid enzymatically processed squid to enzymatically processed fish instgead, something I'm kinda happy about cuz squid was kinda odd lol the fish looks a little thicker though and I've yet to use it. I flipped today cuz all plants are between 9 and 15 inches and I don't wanna risk monsters in the growroom lol. The growth patter is a main stem with tight sidebranching, the branches are very close to the main stem and average 2-5 inches but nice size leaves, I have 2 tied down and they're some bushes with like 5 or 6 tops, fun little experiment and the topped ones are really busy too. Ill post pics in a few days, when I was watering today my phone died so no pics haha. Stay tuned.


Active Member
I'm gonna add this, if I could post pics right now you would see a nice high canopy plant pot included with nice dark rich green leaves and no gaps with some beautiful plants. I can't post pics but they're beautiful way thicker bushier and firmer than the last pic update although some looked great then too.


Well-Known Member
Woot woot for the flip. Fun part starts now :) I want pics please! (and preferable with non HPS lighting hehe)

Keep me updated on the mineralized fish emulsion - should really do the trick. Whats the NPK rating on that stuff? Any different than the squid's NPK? I know someone that might be able to get me cheap squid and might have to try a liquid decomp on it - wonder how bad that would smell...


Active Member
3 confirmed females today, 1 male, chopped him, count so far is 21 start 3 fem 3 males so 15 unidentified, fed with their first dose of biothrive bloom and biobuf, let the flowers happen hehe.

At gastanker npk is the same from the liquid squid to liquid fish it has 2-3-1 NPK
And tanker be patient man ill post my keepers by sat night id like to be down to 9 by Sunday.


Active Member
Ladies are lookin amazing they suprise me more and more everyday
I went ahead and got rid of the bottom node and fan leaves on em all hopefully finishing my lollipopping as I now have approx 5-8 branches per plant with the bottom 3 trimmed on all except the 2 that are lstd. Continuing on the flowering regiment feed water and we will see how many ladies in 4 to 7 more days :)


Well-Known Member
Wishing I had trimmed mine up before leaving - should help you out with those huge colas. Curious to see the yield difference between your LST and lollipoped plants. I'm a big fan of LST as it seems to produce smaller but more potent and equally hard buds versus one main cola and popcorn. When colas get too big the potency goes down as there is more inner material never exposed to light that doesn't have a chance to produce trichs - at least this is my observation. Do we really have to wait till Saturday for pics? Curious to know how many females you'll end up with as well. That should influence trim method a bit. Damn limits - I want a tent of 16 smaller lollipops but really should only have 6 mature plants :(


Active Member
Yea I was kinda nervous trimming that material off but with my plants I don't think ill have an issue with not keeping my canopy covered even with 5 or 6 less plants. I'm thinkin I have around 6 to 9 more fems, I'm pretty good ad preflower id but I go off when I finally see pistils. Oh and I confirmed one of my lstd plants to be a girl, nice lookin plant ill get pics up this weekend of my bunch. My whole house smells btw. I dunno if its common in weed to smell really sweet and weedlike right out of veg but it did even during veg. Like uncoverable but I put up odor blockers and it "helped" but I'm ordering a carbon filter and inline fan Friday, any suggestions on cheap one? I'm thinkin 6 in


Active Member
Woohoo so far I have 6 big bushy females I just transplanted today. not sure if I watered the smartpots enough I had em in my tub and drenched each one with 2 gallons but the top layer still felt dry, but the bottom was saturated and is holding water well, maybe after a watering or 2 ill have better drainage and better water retention. Approximately how much water is needed per watering with these so I don't run out the bottom and off the drip pan thing. Killed off 3 males today, it was ok one was small and 2 were tall and lanky, nothing like the fems I have. Of the fems one is lst and bushy as fuck and ones topped and getting many heads, should be a amazing flowering. Stay tuned for pics. But if u have smartpot experience help...


Active Member
I also have a slight dilemma, I need a carbon scrubber and inline fan but can't have any positive pressure in my tent. Could I run a 4 in inline fan at 165 cfm with matching filter or do I need the 6 in 400cfm which would run me about 50 more for the fan and 50 more for the filter? I have 105 cf in my tent


Looking good! Personally, I'd go with the 6" - 400cfm, better safe than sorry, and in the long run, the extra $100 will pay for itself. I'm a little confused about your question - if you're pulling air from inside the tent through the inline fan (and scrubber) and venting it outside of the tent, that would create negative pressure.


Well-Known Member
You could run a fan pulling from outside the tent through your lights and outside your tent along with a smaller fan attached to a small filter pulling from inside your tent to the outside. Retain negative pressure and all air is filtered.



Active Member
I'm kinda tryin to go with a 6 in so I only do 1 fan comfortably, now as for noise any brands I should look into/ avoid. My limit is 200 including shipping for fan and filter, if flanges are needed extra that's fine.
Update from today. Smartpots are retaining water much better than I had thought they would, pulled out 2 males today and confirmed 2 femals but I haven't transplanted em yet, ones kinda shitty lookin and the other looks more sativalike so I'm nervous about flowering time on that one compared to others, I have 4 nice lookin ones, if I can get 3 fems out of those then my 2 weird ones are my outdoor adventure.
As for the transplant they're still perky and super green so all is well on the homefront, I snapped pics today but I won't be able to upload em till tommorow but I took a group shot and individual pics of my transplanted ladies.


Active Member
ok so i have 10 females. theres a tall one i might reveg and put outdoors. how do you all think the canopy looks? Does it look too small and not filled in enough or do you think it will fill in? in the pics i have 1 topped one and 1 lst'd one. 4 are in 1 gallon pots and 6 in 3 gallon smartpots, sunday was my first day of 12/12. so day 5 today and all have shown sex. also not too mny signs of transplant stress so thts a good thing.
tell me what u think. has anyone ever tried romulan by next generation or any next generation seeds gear?
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Active Member
I run between 75-82 lights on and 60-70 lights off . Its pretty awesome the 600 isn't as hot as I thought.I'm ordering my fan and filter today.my humidity used to spike and that was from me turning my vent fan and box fan off when the lights went off so nox everything is on constantly.


Well-Known Member
They look great! Canopy coverage is pretty ideal - you don't really want the plants all over each other like I have atm. I would assume they will bush out a bit going into flower to the point you can't see the floor beneath them before narrowing into bud late into flower which should provide them almost perfect coverage with light (nothing is completely perfect). Congrats!

Make sure that fan and filter don't take too long - they'll start smelling a bit before you see any flowers.


Active Member
I'm so impressed with organic soil growing I enjoy every moment of it and I cannot wait to see the end product. I think plant health will increase next run because I underwatered them at first and wilted some leaves and they never recovered but I'm gettin the feel of everything when I lift it and feel how heavy it is now.