600w Closet Hydro grow. Questions and comments welcome!


Guess its about time I started on of these.

My setup I am currently using:
Extrasun 6" coolable reflector
Lumatek 600w 120v ballast
hi lux MH bulb for veg
Ultrasun hps for flower
4 tube air pump 1 to drip 1 to air-stone.

I'm using a DWC/Drip setup w/ hydroton

I also have a 125wCFL and 2 tube fora flow/veg cabinet that i haven't finished.

I am using Ionic series from Hydro Dynamics for fert.

My grow started on April 1st with a Gran Daddy Purp clone.

My first week was a little rough i burned the leaves a bit but gave the system a good flush and got it dialed in. I started off with my lights at about 28 inches it is now at 18. Things have been going well now.

The roots are white and healthy and it grows about an inch per day.'

Little background- I have grown a few times outside with a semi guerrilla garden where I just planted (from a seed) and let it go. One time I had a decent plant with some decent buds the other turned out to be a male. I have tried an aero garden grow once before but will i was out for a small vacation during early veg my pump went out and i lost all of my six seedlings.

This past grow was in my closet under a 125w CFL things went ok. I started off 10 bag seeds only 3 made it. Of those three I ended up wit two dif strains of nice females. I managed to clone about 10 total clones from them to start my second wave. While on vacation my roommate killed all but 2 of my clones. I tried to save them but they never came back right or regained growth, they just kind of slowly died.

I have pictures of my to mother plants somewhere that did survive the ended up each yielding about 3/4oz each. After playing around in the soil a bit I decided I wanted to do a hydro grow where I could have a bit more control.

This time around I bought all my supplies before the grow and assembled my room in a very tidy manner. The room stays at about 76 degrees during the day and 70 at night. humidity is only at about 30% right now (i live in a very dry climate) My next move will be to get my walls lined. They are painted white as is so it hasn't been to bad.

I decided to start off with one clone to get things dialed in and it seems like Ive got the hang of it pretty well now. This weekend I am going to pick up a sour d clone and possibly a couple of other strains.

Stay tuned and please comment, bash,bitch, question and criticize at any time the more i can learn the better. I also don't think that that the clone was GDP the leaves are dark but not that color like they should be.

Here are some shitty cell phone pics

First one is on the 14th the next is the 15th then the last was today. I removes all the small leaves that were slightly burnt the other day.

Peace n Love



Picked up some reflective mylar to day which I will be putting up tonight. Also grabbed an adjustable light hanger.

Talked to my buddy at the dispensary and I will be picking up some sour d(personal favorite) and some Government Mule. These will also be done like the GDP.

I'm going to veg these and take some clones for an aeroponic grow in a few months that I intend to try.


Well-Known Member
Hello 203ct240, I see you are smart! Got all the things you need before you start your grow. Your roots are growing an inch per day? Damn that's great plus the roots are healthy. I'm new to growing and have a PC Grow Box w/ 2-Plant Hydroponics System w/ mesh fence. The case is 8.1"W x 26.5"H x 18.6"D. I'm growing 3-Chronic seeds (1 extra just in case something goes wrong!) and I'm starting day 1 of rooting my babies. I have the girls on 18/6 light cycle. I'm using 2-23w (CFL lights) I think this will go on until the girls start growing out of their Dixie cups which I covered with black tape. I not for sure if my system is DWC, I have a 1 gallon tub, air pump, air hose, air stone, 2-net pots w/hydroton rocks. My system is not exactly like yours, but I think it's still a DWC. I'm growing my roots out using soil, but plan to transplant my babies to the hydroponic system for veg stage. Is this a good thing to do?


Hello 203ct240, I see you are smart! Got all the things you need before you start your grow. Your roots are growing an inch per day? Damn that's great plus the roots are healthy. I'm new to growing and have a PC Grow Box w/ 2-Plant Hydroponics System w/ mesh fence. The case is 8.1"W x 26.5"H x 18.6"D. I'm growing 3-Chronic seeds (1 extra just in case something goes wrong!) and I'm starting day 1 of rooting my babies. I have the girls on 18/6 light cycle. I'm using 2-23w (CFL lights) I think this will go on until the girls start growing out of their Dixie cups which I covered with black tape. I not for sure if my system is DWC, I have a 1 gallon tub, air pump, air hose, air stone, 2-net pots w/hydroton rocks. My system is not exactly like yours, but I think it's still a DWC. I'm growing my roots out using soil, but plan to transplant my babies to the hydroponic system for veg stage. Is this a good thing to do?
Im by no means an expert so dont hold me to it but....

I think you should be fine. I know its been done and I've seen some great results if you like this you should check out fuzzybudz grow he is using a system like yours mine is a hybrid type. I am debating taking out the drip emitter and going to a second airstone. This is a trial for me at best to see what i would like to change when I fill the room with plants.

I worked at a nursery for 7 years so I am very familiar with plants in general but none to specific. This will be a note taking process for me so feel free to try things i do or suggest something that you have done.

As far as the roots I have not "measured" growth they are healthy and growing this I do know but i was talking about height of the plant as an inch per day. This is due to the height of my light. I intend to see how close I can go with my next grow to keep nodes a little bit tighter.

Cant wait to see you get yours going. Ill post up a pic of the roots tomorrow.


Well its been a while now for sure.

As I stand the GDP is still doing an inch plus a day!

The Sour D and Govt Mule Have taken good root and are starting to produce leaves at the normal rate.

I got two bagseeds the other day I checked the strain out mid grow (named Gynormica) and figured i'd give it a go. Im not sure how i want to do this one I was thinking aeroponics but haven't decided yet.

Everything seems to be going great I love how much the GDP has filled out.

Pics are random but the date is there.




Little update.

Things keep going well. Looks like only one of the bag seeds is gonna pull through which is fine with me since it will most likely just go out side.

GDP is going to get clones taken today or tomorrow and I'm going to severely cut her back with the way she has been doing i have 100% faith that she with come back bigger and better.

GM and SD are also beginning to really take of both have nice root growth. I'm going to pick up some more air stones on Friday as well as possibly build an aero cloner or something of that sort.

Thanks for stopping by.

PS leave some comments!



oh and you may be able to see on the GM I am getting some algae. Is it best to just get a cover for this to kill it or can I flush my medium while there is plant in there?


Took a flats worth of clones today about 36 or so. Well see how it goes this is my first large scale clone. I used clonex in rockwoll and balanced the water for 5.6 ph. Ill post pics tomorrow.

If anyone is reading this do you know if its better to cut the leaves on the clones i did for a few of them to see how they compare. I know its meant for the weight so there is less stress but its also more area for photosynthesis so is the trade of relly worth it or is it an only if they look like they need it thing?


So here's a little up date the clones are looking ok but not great so i'm not sure how things will turn out. The mother didn't even flinch at the clones very happy about that.

I met a guy who loved my set up and wants me to set n entire house up for him i am very excited about this he gave me a sample of his last grow and it was tasty. I feel like the two of us will do great things so this thread my get merged.

Here's some pics for you guys.2010-05-07 14.39.49.jpg2010-05-07 14.39.41.jpg2010-05-09 19.59.38.jpg2010-05-09 19.59.12.jpg2010-05-09 19.59.55.jpg2010-05-09 19.58.46.jpg2010-05-09 19.59.21.jpg2010-05-09 19.59.50.jpg


Well one of my air tubes got clogged while I was at work and one of my babies went a whole day without drip. Altough there is a high humidity level in the buckets I did notice it affected her. The stem right out of the plug seems "bendy" or lose. It started to keel over a bit. I got here straightened out and standing up straight.

Is there any nutrients that promote good and strong stem growth? I know when it comes to soil there are nutrients for specific areas but I wasn't sure about hydro. Im just worried that when she buds that there is going to be no way for her to support herself.

Anyone? Its been very quiet in this thread I guess I should have put this in the journals section.


Active Member
nice setup your plants look pretty good and what i've seen cutting the tips on your clone is good because the plant uses all its energy to more effectively. how are you handling odor?


For right now my odor isn't to bad. My last grow was stinky. My plants are in the basement and when you got to our front door you could smell it outside.

For now my temps and odor are low as are my funds. When I go to flowering I will be getting a squirrel cage fan and a carbon filter. My grow this time will be much bigger than my last so I will need some sort of control.

My clones are still seeming unsure although it has only been a few days. none of them are wilting or drying out but they aren't perky yet which concerns me I feel like my last ones did a lot better but time will tell if they don't make it I will have plenty more available in a couple weeks.

I took some more pictures today and I need to get my roommate to hold my mother up so you guys can see the root mass an this sucker.

My smaller guys are doing great I'm going to have to pick up an air stone on friday to drop in my second largest.

Here is an over all pick I snapped to hold you guys over for a few hours.



Hopefully some one reads this...my clones stems are swelling and becoming hard but not sending out roots anyone know what causes this?


Well-Known Member
if you get roots in 7 days you have a good strain and are doing well...Good luck, they will come. JR


Well things are going great. I was away for a few days and had to leave a buddy in charge but things are looking fantastic I'm super excited.

I picked up a couple clones and we got lots of roots!

Here are some pictures of the progress while I was gone.

Oh and another 20 or so clones were taken from the GDP mother before I left and she is just chugging along.

