600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run


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DAY 31


scroggin'. Chopstick rules.

PH 5.8, 1020 PPM, 69f res
71 room, chambers 75f, 53% humidity


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yeah screen is working out great so far, zero problems. just a matter of how much space i want to give each top. there are plenty of tops to go around, i doubt i will use them all.

DAY 32

scrog continues. will be ready for 12/12 in a day or two. shifting chamber one to 16/8 tomorrow. chamber 2 will remain at 18/6.
still cannot over express the usefulness of a large chopstick and a plastic buffalo.

the BD in the scrog is doing much better than expected. no problems with the heavy nutes that OGs love, and it's scrogging very nicely. it gives much more vertical pressure against the scrog screen than any of the OGs do, no need to tie it up at all.

momma BD going apeshit with growth since receiving the heavy solution undiluted for a few days. nute burn not nearly as bad as expected so continuing.

one of the OG ghetto clones is showing a root already. not bad! for the record i dipped in clones and then rolled in great white, then stuck in a rockwool that had soaked for all of about 20 seconds in PHd tap water. stuck in shoebox plastic thing with a couple holes in it, stuck that in chamber 2 on heat pad.

PH 5.8, 1040 PPM, 69f res
71 room, chamber one 75f, chamber two 80f
54% humidity


Active Member
DAY 33


Last day of veg for chamber 1. Next dark cycle will be 12 hours long. screen is filled plenty enough for the flowering stretch to fill in any gaps. Just the two corners there left to really grow where i'd like them, and they'll be there in 48 hours.

Scrog fucking with is minimal, just a few pokes and prods here and there with the chopstick. The few stalks seen in the pics above poking out above the screen are tops that are just now opening from FIM two weeks plus ago. I'm micro managing these to spread the individual tops away from each other at the earliest possible point.

maintaining around 1k PPM (2 EC in case i've never mentioned my meter's conversion factor)

PH 5.8, 1020 PPM, 68f res
69f room, 74 chamber 1, 73 chamber 2
57% humidity

note: added second timer finally. chamber 2 will remain at 18/6. this seemed to really boost growth once i brought it down from 20/4. Going to stick with 18/6 veg from here out.


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delaying first 12 hour dark until tomorrow morning. HPS bulb swapped in, it's a lumatek 600w.
Cleaned cooltube glass, inside and out, being sure not to get even a trace of cleaner spray anywhere near the chamber. Couple of squirts of simple green onto a paper towel worked fine. So will water and a little vinegar next time.

i'm rarely in the chamber at "night". it's a very different, almost coffee smell from the plants, or so it seems. very humid today probably contributing to this.

just for kicks, here's enviro info for the moment, about 30 mins before lights on with 18/6.
66.6 room, 66.6 chamber one, 66.6 chamber two
60% humidity (rain out)

66f during lights out should be about perfect for lights on temps around 79f.


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note on FIMing for later:

FIMing as done in this grow has worked very well, but it slowed overall growth on the plants by quite a bit. Some FIMs made 3 or 4 weeks ago are just now unraveling. The more FIMs on a plant the more it seemed to need energy to heal those wounds, diverting it away from more robust growth. My FIMs were pretty brutal so this isn't too surprising, just wanted to make the point clear.

I definitely have more tops than will fit without overcrowding the screen, so perhaps I could have been a little less aggressive and actually took a count, made a plan before going conan the destroyer on two week old clones. I did not need to FIM so much with 4 plants in the one tank.

some of the tops that have taken the longest to heal and open have been the most successful. I think there are one or two that produced 5 tops from one FIM, most produced 3 or 4, and a few just 2.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Here's a bit for others on this topic: I should have known my TDS meter needed cleaning or calibration when I saw PPM start to make unrealistic changes, dropping from 450 to 250 in an hour or two. If you see this, check your meter.
I'm good... Thanks


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spent way too long sorting tops into screen squares. removed lower stuff where i could, made a shitload of clones out of the trimmings.

added a third air pump and two more air stones. with no air stones under the 7 hole and a layer of roots it was getting stagnant. no mas.

PH 5.8, 1020 PPM, 69 res
room 74, both chambers 78f
60% humidity


Active Member


little more sorting, lots of poking fan leaves down to expose the last few stretching tops. all plants are healthy and happier than ever.

dehumidifier tomorrow most likely. wondering if it's couth to pipe the runoff from the dehumidifier directly into the res? planning on it unless i find a reason otherwise.


stuck all the clones in the currently vacant 2nd guts chamber in the small cab. threw in a utility light with a cfl and the heat mat.

no new nutes today. calibrate tomorrow. slight ph up.

PH 5.8, 1040 PPM, 70f res
72 room, 77 chamber one, 79 chamber two
66% humidity

humidity crazy high. raining for days straight here, i do not expect this to be a frequently recurring problem.


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getting a little uneven but we'll be alright. screen is overfilled by far anyway so if we gotta chop a few heads there will be others to take their place.


was extremely humid and thick in chamber one at lights on, even moreso than i'd expect. i think this will improve once the below screen stuff is all thinned out (and it stops raining for days on end). the fan leaves under the screen are all packed atop each other where no tops are present. their prespiration getting trapped between leaves is substantial. adjusted the vent fan to vent more overnight, and also re-added the couple of freestanding pc fans pointing up at the canopy from below.

calibrated everything. ph was off by -.3, hadn't calibrated it in 2 weeks. PPM meter was off its usual -50ppm.

added 2 gallons, still sticking with 5ml each cal/mag, bloom a, bloom b per gallon. Final results below, all fine good after a slight ph up bump.

Momma BD really starting to show nute burn, but she'll continue to drink what we give her, and she'll like it. this is not motherfucking burger king.

PH 5.8, 1080 PPM, 70f res
72f room, 78f chamber one, 79f chamber two
68% humidity


Active Member
Double checked Advanced Nutrients calculator and sure enough, we should be at 5.6ph for bloom nutes. This explains my wrestling to keep the ph at 5.8 the last few days. Should have checked this before starting bloom nutrients. Will stop with the slight ph up bump daily and i bet we settle at 5.6.


Active Member


More trimming below and some micro managing tops. Growth is 2 or 3 inches per day once a top gets situated in the grid.

The fans below the canopy did the trick for fan leaves sweating on each other. Much better today.

PH 5.7, 1080 PPM, 70f res
room 70, both chambers 77f
68% humidity

again, humidity sensor is in room, not in chamber. "storm of the decade" still going on outside.


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img_20101221_233049.jpg img_20101221_233101.jpgimg_20101221_233234.jpg

Add a gallon of aired out tap and 5ml each bloom a/b and cal/mag. Add 7ml of zone.

Let the ph slide and it drifted down toward 5.3 within 24 hours. Dunno what's causing that so added some zone just in case there's something funky going on. edit: ph still dropping .1 every 2 or 3 hours. Flush coming up in a few days so we'll see. Hopefully this is not related to below.


More pokey pokey and a little more trimming. Plants seem very yellow today. Not dried up, nute burn yellow. More lime green. This is happening all on new growth at the top though, so maybe this is normal. Maybe I've stressed the shit out of the plants by trimming everything down below. leaving them be unless it gets worse.

moved the temp sensor to the top of the screen in chamber 1. readings will be slightly higher from here out, probably more accurate.

ph 5.7, 1060 ppm, 69f res
71 room, 77 chamber 1, 78 chamber 2
69% humidity. "storm of the decade" continues outside.

wish i had a rain barrel. wonder how dwc in rain water would work out?


Active Member

Fed up with crazy ph drop rate I flushed the res a few days earlier than planned. Filled back up with 10 gallons of purified and a gallon of aired out tap. There was maybe a gallon left in the bottom of the res that I couldn't drain, so from here out I'll figure on 12-13 gallons of sauce in the tank.

Nutrients added as follows:
60ml Cal/Mag
95ml each AN Sensi Bloom A & B
.. producing 1050ppm

Did not need to add any ph up/down, ph swung right to 5.6/5.7

Note also, res temp dropped around 5f. 5 degrees should take 4 or 5 days to warm up in the cooler.

little bit of trimming and poking. Not much to do, everything pretty much in place.

ph 5.7, 1050 ppm, 63.5f res
room 69f, chamber one 73 (inaccurate tonight), chamber two 77f
room humidity 70%. rain done, this should begin to drop.



Active Member
About 12 hours after flush, PH now 5.6. This is a much, much, MUCH slower rate of PH descent than what was happening pre-flush. 5.6 is right where we want and expect to be, hopefully it will remain stable.


Active Member

Since I've got the Zone out of the system now I went ahead with 96ml of Hygrozyme. Also added a scoop of Great White just fo the hell of it.

PH has been good so far. Even see it creeping up a little, but nowhere near the rate it was showing before the flush.

Pretty much finished trimming down below. Will finish what's left once everything is up and stretched nicely above the screen.

PH 5.7, 1030 PPM, 65.5f res
room 66, chamber one 77, chamber two 75
room humidity 67%


Active Member

i have determined, at least to my personal satisfaction, that the yellow color on new growth is due to nutrient change and too much pruning. nothing to worry about. next time i will continue veg nutrients for about 2 weeks into flower, then flush for flower nutes. I will also try to plan ahead a little better to avoid having to chop so much below the screen.

everything growing nicely. minimal poking and chopping again.

seeing some roots on the clones from a week or two ago. from all the different methods ive experimented with now, the fastest root development has been the cuttings dipped in hormone gel and just stuck in some water. way faster to root than rockwool cuttings, but that's probably because i suck.

cuttings with a notch or two cut into them, like a V shape, exposing the most raw stem tissue, have been fastest to show a little root action. faster by quite a bit.

bumped ppm with 25ml each bloom a/b and 15ml cal/mag
using RO water from here out. topped off with about a gallon. maintaining waterline about a half to full inch below netpots.

ph 5.6, 1150 ppm, 66.5f res
68f room, chamber 1 74, chamber 2 75
room humidity 67%