600w HPS Aerospring Grow with 4 Nirvana "ICE" Females!!


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OK so i have been meaning to put this grow on here for like almost a month now and i have just figured out hot to get a new thread started....Im a noob i know..lol Im growing Nirvana Ice in a 15 gallon aerospring container wiith GH Flora Nova Grow and bloom and i am also using GH liquid and Dry koolbloom. as i said im a lil late with starting the journal but i think now is better than never, I'm 21 days into flower and my ladies are looking great. I vegged for just about 6 weeks as i was trying to get my temps right with my ventilation, where i live the temps this summer were in the 100s alomost a month and half and my grow room readings were well in the upper 90s. I tried many things and none of them seemed to work. My closet is just a normal bedroom closet 4x3x8, i have a 400cfm fan for exhaust and a big passive intake hole cut at the bottom of my door, i had to buy a window ac unit to keep the room nice and chilly to maintain my grow room temps at about 72-75.

With the temps in order i switched my ladies to 12/12 3 weeks ago and they have taken off with more vigor than i could have EVER expected. i went out of the country for 4 days 3 days after i made the swich and when i got back they had already showed prefloweres and started making more floral cluster each day. In the 2nd week I already started noticing crystal production and now into my 3rd week they are already SO frosted. This is not my first grow by any means and i have never remembered any of my previous crops showing crystals this early, if they are packing on the trichs now i cant wait to see weeks 7,8and 9.

I flowered them all about 20-23 inches and right now they are about 44-46 inches tall. I also supercropped during veg just bending a few tops over each week on each plant and they responded to that method very well. Now i have all the bud sites at the top of the canopy pretty much getting even light distribution. So far I am very impressed with these ICE queens they pack on more and more flowers everydayi love to open the door and see them each day. The smell isnt too bad although i do have a carbon filter running, you cant smell a thing witht he door closed but when you open the door you do get a nice waft of a skunky dirty feet smelView attachment 1135688l lol. I am gonna post some pics right nView attachment 1135696ow some from veg to give you an idea of where i started and them i will give you pics all the way up toView attachment 1135687 right now that way everyone that followView attachment 1135695s will be updated to today and then i will keep you updated from there.

These are them vegging.......

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Here they are 14 days in flower.....
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For some reason i cant get them to stay in order but the ones with the MH blue light are in veg and th ones with the red tint are them in flower.


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Ok and these are all pics from day 21 of flower which is today sept 4th. As you can tell there is a big difference already from week 2 to week 3. I'd love to hear all comments but try and keep em nice ok..lol If you like the pics send me some rep to i'd appreciate it. Will update with new pics and info in a few days. until them STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man those are some great looking girls you willbe real happy with the results from them im blown back looking at them very nice..It's funny your girls look nothing like mine mine are tall like yours yet very fat leafs and lots of space between nodes on some parts and we are just about the same time for flower and i dont have any frost yet..keep up the good work im sub'd Peace....


Active Member
Hell yeah man those are some great looking girls you willbe real happy with the results from them im blown back looking at them very nice..It's funny your girls look nothing like mine mine are tall like yours yet very fat leafs and lots of space between nodes on some parts and we are just about the same time for flower and i dont have any frost yet..keep up the good work im sub'd Peace....
Hey man appreciate the compiments, I think maybe your leaves are alot fatter cause you supplement with Co2 maybe and yours are growing on steroids..lol......I cant beleive the trichs that are on these babies though, i tried to get some of them in the shots but to no avail tonite when the lights come on i think im gonna turn em back off for a bit and take pics with the lights off to see if i can pick up any of the trichs that way. Thx again im really excited to see the end results and cant wait to see pics of yours too. Aprreciate the rep as well.


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Whats up everyone back with some updates pics for you........Day 28 of 12/12, Im so amazed with this plant, i just cant beleive how much vigor its growing with. Everyday they packed on so many flowers and trichs its crazy, I cant wait for the finished product so that i can make some killer bubble hash with the trim. These girls really responded well to the super cropping i did during veg, ALL of the bottom branches shot right up to the top and there isnt much wasted light they have made a nice even canopy. You'd think i had 8 plant in there instead of only 4.

As far as the smell goes I was saying to myself i didnt think this strain stunk all that much yet cause i really couldnt smell much when i opened the door, only a slight skunky/dirty feet smell when you got right up close to them with your noes. yesterday we had a pretty good storm roll through and my power went out for about 2 hours, they were already in the night cycle so it didnt disturb the light cycle but it did shut off my exhaust and carbon scrubber. About an hour after the power went off i walked by the room and was almost knocked down by the pungent skunky/berry smell that was coming from the room...HAHAHA So much for wondering if this was a stinky strain or not!! I also had wondered if the carbon filter really helped that much but now i see that its freaking AMAZING!!!

So far so good though, I just changed the water in my res so they are good for another 2 weeks on nutes, now i'll just top off if they water gets low with fresh water. Hope everyone enjoys the pics another update in about a week or so. STAY HIGH PEACE!!

Also you can see i took a pic with the lights out so you can see how frosty they are, just couldnt get the trichs to show up when the lights are on.


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Hey everyone thats watching, these are my ladies at day 41 of flowering. The buds as you can see are forming VERY nicely, very dense and compact. I still cant beleive the resin production these plants make, i have fan leaves that are so frosted you can barely see any green. My bubblebags will put all of the trim to good use. Only about 3 or 4 weeks left for these ladies and they will be getting the chop, If i would guess i'd say this is gonna be a very good yield as i am only 41 days in and the buds are already huge and havent even put on there final weight. Hope everyone enjoys the pics and STAY HIGH!!!!


Active Member
looks great! sounds like that AC unit really saved the day, Good Job
Hey Urban, thenks for the compliment and checking out my grow, I was beginning to think no one was watching...lol The AC unit really did help and i think my ladies are rewarding me for my efforts..lol


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Hey everyone back again for a lil update on my ICE ladies. These pics are from day 50 of flowering, I cant say enough about how well these plants grow, every day when i open the door they have just packed on so many flowers and so much resin its unbeleivable. The buds are swelling up very nicely and they are crystal encrusted on every inch of there long fat donkey dicked colas. I have NEVER seen plants that produce this much resin, Nirvana definately has a winner for sure in this strain. They get stinkier and more dank everyday, even with my carbon filter if i dont burn some strong smelling candles you can definately smell these stinky bitches for sure. They say its supposed to have a fuel type aroma to it, I dont know if what i smell is fuel but its a very potent and acrid aroma and i hope it tastes the way it smells. I definately think these ladies are going to need all of 9 or 10 weeks to fully ripen and swell, right now they are dense as hell, i mean ROCK hard and they havent even put on the girth. They bud like crazy and hopefully in the pics you can see just how hairy and thick the flowers are growing. Hope everyone enjoys, I will have more pics up in a week. STAY HIGH!! PEACE!!


Active Member
Looking bad ass.... I got 3 fem ice at almost 4 weeks in veg and they all have pistols and 1 has alternating nodes and bushy as hell. Cant wait to see yo end result so dont forget about us when u chop those bitches.D

Dont see a many ice grows...Im flowering mine under a 600 as well so its nice to see the potential.


Active Member
Hey krazy, appreciate the comments. I have been slacking the last 2 weeks on getting up pics but I took some more last nite and I'll have them up later today when I get home from work. How are you growing yours hydro or soil? Mine are hydro and I do beleive that's the say these ladies like to be grown. Very dense and big buds, mine started making tricks about 2 weeks into flower and they are now so frosted it's unbeleivable. Very stinky when grown also not very stinky but definately very sweet and Danky. I haven't noticed to many folks growing ice eithe but it's a great plant as I'm sure you can see already with your they grow with great vigor and are a joy to watch grow.


Active Member
Yeah those are some frosty donkey dicks lol. Im amazed everytime I look at them.

Im growing in soil sadly now that I seen yours. I have a separate veg and flower room. Its been a work in progress the last few months. I am running 8 bulb T8s over top and 4 42w cfl's on the sides which works really well but not much penetration. Have had some issues with 2 of them and had to trim some fan leaves which set them back a bit. Def second rate to yours.

I still have a few beans left so I may have to try your setup out. Here is a few pics



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Hey everyone, sorry it has taken me a couple weeks to get some more pics back up, been real busy with life. Im back though with some nice budshots fro ya. my Ice queens are in day 65 of 12/12 and i started to flush yeaterday. I'll be given them the chop in abour 4 more days and i cant wait. All the plants are falling over cause of the size of these sticky buds. I tried to get some real close up shots of the buds so you can kinda tell how frosty they are and how big they are, but i promise the pics do the size of them no justice. I would recommend ANYONE thats thinking bout growing these girls to just jump on it and make it happen cause they are great plants. I will post some chop pics and bud pics when i get them all cut down and trimmed. i hope everyone enjoys the pics and STAY HIGH!!


Active Member
hey Krazy the girls are looking great!!! How much longer before you turn your lights back to 12/12? Also i supercropped my ladies, just did some bending and twisting of the branches and they really seemed to repond well to it. I only have 4 plants going but it looks more like 20 cause of the cropping, you should try it out if your familiar with that technique.


Well-Known Member
I love ICE, was growing it for the past 2yrs.. My strain broke down with a system crash and losing the mom all at once... They clone nice n' eay and have a great high!! Nice grow!!


Active Member
Looking budalicious in there. Looks like it filled out real nice.

I have a 4 bagseed ladies in flower right now and 2 should be finishing up in about 2 weeks. I think 6 weeks is a good veg time for my setup. So in about 2 weeks they should start 12/12 under the 600hps.

I just started doing a little bending this morning and I think I may snip a few clones off the bottoms as well. I have been pondering on putting them under an adjustable 2x4 screen for a scrog starting 12/12 for the stretch but Im not sure if it would be effective on just half the room for now.


Active Member
I love ICE, was growing it for the past 2yrs.. My strain broke down with a system crash and losing the mom all at once... They clone nice n' eay and have a great high!! Nice grow!!
Hey reefcouple thanks for the compliments and for checking out my grow. I'm definately gonna make ice a staple in my garden


Active Member
Are you harvesting from trich color?
Yea i am I have been watching them and I'd say about 30-40% amber I tell also by just how the buds look too. When they are ready the buds look more golden/amber then frosty white. I look at that and trich color to tell menwhennthy are done. I was gonna let these go just 56 days but they didn't get ready until about 63.