600w hps space.


Well-Known Member
Didn't mean to cause a debate, a bat wing reflector was all i could afford at the moment! This is my current solution and i know it's not ideal or anything but it keeps Temps around 82-85 with a fan blowing at the light

Edit: RIU isn't let me upload pictures. I will post as soon as I can.
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Well-Known Member
Do you know if those temps will stay steady through out the year? Like in the middle of summer? 82 to 85 at canopy is a little on the warm side for alot of varieties. But you should be ok until you can get some more scratch to cool that lamp some more.
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Well-Known Member
If you can afford it its best to anticipate and build through anything that might happen later....now. Also make sure the fan isnt blowing hot lamp air onto your canopy tops. Messes em up.


Well-Known Member
Do you know if those temps will stay steady through out the year? Like in the middle of summer? 82 to 85 at canopy is a little on the warm side for alot of varieties. But you should be ok until you can get some more scratch to cool that lamp some more.
Should i add another exhaust fan? I don't have any intake fans just the one fan blowing air at the light.

If you can afford it its best to anticipate and build through anything that might happen later....now. Also make sure the fan isnt blowing hot lamp air onto your canopy tops. Messes em up.
it's not it's hung at the top by the light.


Well-Known Member
You can get by with what u got....u have no choice now. But every dollar you can save up needs to go to proper equipment purchases so you can grow the bomb shit like everyone else. Its not cheap. And you dont have to get crazy with fancy gadgets. But you do need to get proper fans, hoods, and what not.


Well-Known Member
Your going into this with very very limited cash flow arent you? Sick of buying bags huh?
Haha yeah man I kinda jumped the gun upgrading so fast because I got some things so a steal of a price but I can't turn back now. First pay check coming in next week so proper equipment will be coming very soon but I have to manage till then.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Hello, today I upgraded to a 600w hps. Now i have a few questions i was hoping the community can help with.
Will a 4x4 be big enough for a 600w hps.
How do I keep my tent cool because it's not a cooled hood and heat will probably be an issue just from feeling the bulb run..
Any help, advice, and or pointer will be very appreciated.
When I first started I had a 600 in a 4x4 and it worked well. I positioned my exhaust intake above the light. I still use wing reflectors but have intake hoods (furnace duct take-offs) cut into all of them and it works great.