600w hps wardrobe


Active Member
Hello there i am going to start to grow using a 600w hps in a wardrobe which is roughly 7ft tall and 4ft wide will 600w be to much light for such a small space? i will also be using a 125mm extractor fan. the reason i want to use a 600w hps is because i eventualy want to make a bigger grow room. thanx in advance for any help.


Well-Known Member
Well a good average for a HPS light is 50w per square foot. So that would give you 75 watts per square foot.. if you have good enough ventilation you should be fine, a 125mm fan might not do the trick.


Active Member
ok thanks for the help it is greatly appreciated i think i might take the risk and see how i get on using a 600w hps as i dont want to have to buy a second light when i increase the size of my growing area.


Well-Known Member
Yea I would say you'll be fine.. I got a 250w HPS in a 2.5 square foot cabinet and thats 100w per square foot. My temps average are a bit high at 81-84, but when I first started they were up to 100.. just gotta find what will work for you best.