600w+ Sensi Star & GDP Grow - Yellow/Claw Leaves


So back in mid-april I grabbed up a few gdp and sensi star clones, Due to a very poor mistake on my part, half of my clone starts died that first week. Anyways, 3 clones survived, 2 GDP and a Sensi Star. I planned on a perpetual grow, but currently there are obstacles that have forced be to only continue with these three through harvest. Anyways, I vegged them under A 600w HPS with supplemental cfl lighting (nice big one, forgot the watts) and an old flouro. Vegged them for around 45 days give or take and was able to flip them the beginning of June. Currently they have been in flower for 23 Days. I run a simple nutrient program every day based off the lucas formula, with extra supplements from CalMag, FloroShield, and Rare Earth. I had some liquid karma but the bottle had mold in it when i opened it :wall:.

(Left to right: Sensi Star, Short GDP, Tall GDP)

The Issue I seem to be having looks like some form of deficiency or over/underwatering. My Sensi Stars bottom portion started to yellow up a little before i put them in flower, one of my GDP's also started to yellow near the bottom as well. By the first week of Flower I had fixed most of the sensi stars issues, and the gdp started to green up again as well, but shortly after her leaves started to curl up really bad, i guess they call them 'claw leaves'. This issue occured several weeks before the flip after i got rid of my second pm outbreak, if that matters at all (PM issues doing good atm)

ssyellow.jpg<-Sensi Stars Deficiency? gdpbottom.jpg<-Tall GDPs Claw Leaves

Ive been experimenting around the last couple of weeks trying to put a finger on this issue, and this is what ive done so far:

  • Thought I underwatered, made sure they ran solution through soil
  • Thought I overwatered, skipped a day, Plants looked terrible, Gave extra water and they boosted back up
  • Thought CalMag was messing everything up, Barely touch it now.
  • Thought Nute Buildup, Did a baby flush and now go back and forth nutes solution, water solution feed schedule
  • Thought Nute Deficiency, Altered Nute Solution several times.

As of right now it seems like their condition hasnt gotten any worse in a few weeks, but the yellowed and clawed leaves are still lurking around. Wondering if they leave if i fix the issue or there staying... either way im not quite sure if im still messing something up. Dont know if it has to do with temps/humidity/ventilation, but im pretty sure im getting air through the grow room alright, temps range from 81-89f, humidity from 47-55%.

It might have to do with my feeding schedule, Im currently feeding them every day, which they seem to like. Day one gets lucas formula 3ml/6ml, sometimes some floroshield (1-3ml). Day 2 gets the watered down formula consisting of Small lvls of Micro/bloom (if at all), 3ml of floroshield and a dash of rare earth. They Seem to be liking this currently. Quit using calmag a few weeks ago just in case that was messing anything up. I use settled tap water with ppm of around 250, and lately have been giving the girls a lower dose at around 800-1000ppm. The Solutions Ph was always around 6.8 until recently ive dropped it down to 6.5, have yet to test runoff. My other GDP which had stunted growth during veg is pooling in alright for me right now, i just want to figure out whats up with the other girls before i add a 1000w mh.

Getting late so ill close this off with a few more pics of my grow (6/20/12) . I appreciate any help the RIU community has to offer with my girls dilemma, thanks again :P ps: Sorry for the long-ass post

1.Groupshot 2.Short GDP's TopCola 3.Tall GDP Bodyshot 4.One of the GDP 5.Sensi Star Cola 6.More Sensi Star 7.Another Group Shot1

full of purple

Well-Known Member
feed them plain water stop the nutrients your over feeding them. they will be good with just plain water for the rest of the grow.
Less is more i only feed maybe once a week at 1/4 strenth in flower and every 2 weeks in veg at 1/8 strenth


Hey FOP, thanks for taking the time to look at my thread/pics and providing feedback, I can easily understand that my nute solution may have been too strong... I noticed my girls have been getting burnt tips (mostly the Sensi Star and Tall GDP). I do know for a moment during veg those two recieved extra nutes (at first the short gdp looked like it wasnt going to make it, it had just stopped growing for a moment tho).

So just some PHed water would work for the rest of the grow? Got enough residual nutes that the water would grab it back out of the soil? With a chemically soil, have i likely locked up a certain nutrient in the sensi star, or is the issue just high nutrient abundance. Ill take your advice tonight and just use water, my question would be what about the floroshield and rareearth, can i continue adding this sometimes, and when? Currently looking for verification to your reply FOP, If anyone else can confirm that this is my issue please let me know.

Anyways, Last night The Tall GDP and the Sensi Star started trichome production, so growth is occuring :D (for a moment there i didnt know what was going on with both of them, the small gdp has been ahead in flower it seems the whole time) Still waiting on my gdp to purple up, but my temps dont help V_V.

Also, Would adding a 1000w mh be beneficial to the overall yield if i added it midway through flower? Got some small budsites that i wouldnt mind tending too, and i could easily set up the 1000w to shine vertically over the girls, with the 600w hps hovering over them, then i just need to rotate them front to back every other day (i currently rotate clockwise around the HPS.
cal mag wont hurt almost ever. the curling is probably a temperature problem. leaves tend to yellow in late flowering almost no matter what you do. is your light air-cooled? this will help with the temperature. i wouldnt worry about the metal halide its a waste of money especially for flower. you generally only want to use mh during veg because of the primarily blue/white
light spectrum. next time get some molasses and add it to your water. also try mixing in bat guano with your soil for veg and transplant right before flower mixing in some sea bird shit. idk whats in floroshield or rare earth but rare earth sounds like a vegatative nutrient. are you familiar with NPK?
im a cali medi grower. my information should be fairly accurate. let me know if you have any questions.


NPK is nutrient levels like 0-5-4 for bloom, 5-0-1 micro, right?

It was quite hot this week and I had just put a temp/humidity sensor that gives the overall highs and lows... Seems to slowly be cooling down with the weather, Last night It was around 78f-84f, humidity was 45%-53%. Lights are not cooled, but it could be exhausted out of the grow room (originally planned for the mh). It cant be that much of a waste unless you mean electricity wise, sense i already own a mh... if it would help even somewhat without pushing temps up higher, i plan on using it. Getting stuff for my DIY carbon air filter on monday...Ill probably test out the mh then.

I have yet to completely research the benefits of adding molasses... for some reason my brains shouting no... so idk.

Florashield is a Plant and Root/System Solution. RareEarth is a clay that contains organic silicates and leonardite... i guess it also helps with heat stress.


Popping in for a quick update. A few days after the feeding change the tall gdp and sensi star finally started trichome production. Girls seemed to take the water treatment well, after a couple days they started to take in less water. I decided not to water them to see if they could take skipping a day, and it didnt seem like they liked it much, they all had droopy leaves. The problem most likely had to do with higher temps, or maybe they just love getting fed everyday. Anyways i gave them a light feed and waited to see how they would look the next day.

Pop into the room yesterday and the drooping had went away, seemed like they took in most of their water, so i gave them a medium watering. First thing i noticed was that the buds on my sensi star plumped up nice, second thing i noticed was discolored, yellow leaves coming from all my plants, but mostly the sensi:


I was wondering what could be causing this issue, because it seems to be different then the overfeeding symptoms i might have experienced. I never had an issue with rubbery pure yellow leaves like this. Is it because of the PHed water feedings? do they need nutrients? Or is it all because of this weeks high temps... the last couple have days have been registering around 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Feel free to let me know what you think the issue could be, it seems to mostly be a problem with the Sensi Star...Anyways, more pics from Day 30 :D



Seems to me they slowly came out of any big issues with development and the girls are currently ripening up at around day 57 of flowering. If anyone would be interested in checking out how they are, then stop into my harvesting thread and give me your opinions, they are much appreciated.


Active Member
Your GDP has too much nitrogen, im almost certain.
And the crispy leaf tips with the yellowing leaves are all signs of over feeding.


yep. overfeeding seemed to be the big issue :D now they are just on ph'ed water, starting to use up nitrogen/nutrients stored in leaves now