6500K cfl but does the Wattage matter?


Active Member

I've managed to find some cfl bulbs which have the same colour spectrum (6500K) but their wattages wary. One is 30W and the other is 20W.

Would choosing the 30W make any difference in yield?



Well-Known Member
hmmm, not sure how that works with CFLs. I think the growfaq mentions something about this.

Let me do some reading, and I will get back to you.


Well-Known Member
here's my $0.02:

the spectrum is the important part. i veg better under 4 26w 6500k bulbs than 4 42w 2600k bulbs.

the deal with cfls is that they have to be really close to the plant. within an inch or two. most 26w bulbs put out about 1700 lumens, my 42w bulbs do about 2800. so i need 2 26w to put the same amount of light into the plant.

say you have one plant. you put a light above it, and one hanging along each side. thats 5 lights. 8500 lumens with 26w, or 14000 lumens with the 42w bulbs. if each bulb is within optimal distance to the buds, i would definitely expect higher returns from a bigger bulb.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, so here is what I know.

With CFL's
(order of importance)
1. Color Temp
2. Lumens (brightness)
3. wattage (although wattage doesn't really matter with these guys as long as the color temp is the correct spectrum, and the lumen output high, then your good.)


Active Member
Thanks for both of your replies,

Is there a chart of some sort which would illustrate how much lumens i should get out of a 6500K bulb? :?
The site which i found these lights on doesnt list the lumen output :(
I was concentrating on getting the right colour spec. and forgot bout the lumes really. I figured if its got high K it would have lots of lumens....
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Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I Grew out 3 titianic and 4 bag seed plants in 2 Rubbermaid bins with 8 42 watt CFL
But cant remember the # but for veg i used the Daylight one and then went I think it was the warm light
WOW 1st grow and was very happy got about 3 OZ dried of top grade smoke
Looking forward to results from my new 250wHPS in the new wardrobe
Happy Growing
Green Dave


Active Member
I managed to find out how many lumens these things output.
Turns out its 1535 per bulb.

Now to tell you the truth i really dont know what to do.
Should i get 5/6 of these bulbs + 2/3 4200K bulbs for VEG
Get 2 125W CFL's like these?

If i was to get 2 125W CFL's for VEG, would it be better to get one with a colour spec of Blue-6500K and the second with a colour spec of Dual-6500 & 2700K?
Or just get both Blue-6500K?

Thanks Alot!!!!


Well-Known Member
I managed to find out how many lumens these things output.
Turns out its 1535 per bulb.

Now to tell you the truth i really dont know what to do.
Should i get 5/6 of these bulbs + 2/3 4200K bulbs for VEG
Get 2 125W CFL's like these?

If i was to get 2 125W CFL's for VEG, would it be better to get one with a colour spec of Blue-6500K and the second with a colour spec of Dual-6500 & 2700K?
Or just get both Blue-6500K?

Thanks Alot!!!!
Blue is best for veg plants love it. Dual spect is good too my t5's are dual spec.


Well-Known Member
I managed to find out how many lumens these things output.
Turns out its 1535 per bulb.

Now to tell you the truth i really dont know what to do.
Should i get 5/6 of these bulbs + 2/3 4200K bulbs for VEG
Get 2 125W CFL's like these?

If i was to get 2 125W CFL's for VEG, would it be better to get one with a colour spec of Blue-6500K and the second with a colour spec of Dual-6500 & 2700K?
Or just get both Blue-6500K?

Thanks Alot!!!!
i would go with more small bulbs. This gives you the ability to move them around more, and get a more even spread of light to your plants. those big 100W+ cfls are good for mother plants, but i wouldnt bother growing with em. plus you get less lumens per watt the higher you go with cfls.


i would go with more small bulbs. This gives you the ability to move them around more, and get a more even spread of light to your plants. those big 100W+ cfls are good for mother plants, but i wouldnt bother growing with em. plus you get less lumens per watt the higher you go with cfls.

I am growing using cfls as well and from doing a lot of research on the topic I come to understand that you should find at least one 42w+ 6500K bulb/plant. This is the one to use because apparantly the 4000K-5000K has very little light that's actually usable by the plants and the 2700K is for flowering time. Using any others ends up a waste of $$$. Keep the bulbs close but do the heat test on the back of your hand. An inch or two is good...too close and the plant won't put a lot of distance between nodes and too far and they stretch themselves too thin. As for the number of bulbs...at least one 6500K "daylight" per plant and you can suppliment the sides, etc with other 6500K bulbs until flowering, then use some 2700K's. Oh and don't wait too long to flower, I would guess around a foot tall and then start, depending on strain of course.
these cfls have the right spectrum 6400k for veg and 2700k for flowering, thats the red spectrum....

forget hps and halide throw them out, to much power wasted and a high electric bill
30w is what i use for my cuttings its actually using 125w but its a 3ow output, then change to a 250w 6400k but it is best to use a 400w sodium for budding


these cfls have the right spectrum 6400k for veg and 2700k for flowering, thats the red spectrum....

forget hps and halide throw them out, to much power wasted and a high electric bill
30w is what i use for my cuttings its actually using 125w but its a 3ow output, then change to a 250w 6400k but it is best to use a 400w sodium for budding
How much do you yield?


Active Member
Back when i first started my grow i had no clue but in the end we all came to the conclusion that the 42 watters were the most effecient. Anyting over and under is still ok but the 42's are the the best. I got a case of 12 for 100 bucks. They are cost effective BUT you will get pretty damn tired of adjusting where the lights are. I made a light board out of some plywood, put holes in it wired it up and put in the light fixtures and everything. The thing now is my grow has since changed around and now my lighting is a little off in regards to where the light are in the board and where the plants sit. Now i wish i would have just purchased a 200w MH. But as a beginner it made way more sense to spend 100 bucks on about 300w of lighting rather than spend about 200+ on 200w. But now i really want a 400w MH.