67 days into flower Nirvana Northern Lights no amber. How long left?

So these plants have been in flower (pistols seen) since november 2nd. I had to go out of town for the past three weeks for christmas so they have been by themselves that entire time being watered by my tropf blumats. These plants have ZERO amber on them and given that I have reached 9 weeks I am wondering if these look like they are going to be ready to harvest anytime soon to you guys. I just added the LED lights so disregard them from the equation. Also the plant in the 5th pic of is 4 weeks behind the others and looks absolutely terrible. Do you all think it is a lost cause or just lagging

.1) Type and wattage of lights ///// 400w MH/HPS, CFL chandeler
.2) Distance from tops? //// 8 in
.3) Reflector type? Cooltube.
.4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?//// YES
.5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan? /////Yes
.6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule? 400w and 360w, dont know, 12/12

.7) Specific brand and type of soil, ////FFOF w/25% perilite added and 1 cup of dolomite lyme and 1 cup humic acid
..9) Did you use peat pucks (or similar) to root clones or germinate seedlings? Clones grown in aeroponic cloner.
nutrients and water:
10) Source of water? ///// 55 gallon reservoir
11) Method of checking water ph.//// PH PEN
12) Method of adjusting water ph. PH up and Down
14) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering? ///// water when pots light (usually 2 days) Nutes ever 3 waterings
15) Any additives or tea's? ///// 1 tbs molasses per gallon on no nute days
16) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate?
17) What is your ingoing water's ph? 6.0-6.5 I vary inbetween to hit all ranges
18) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray? ///// foliar fed once with fish emulsion early in flowering


  • 19) Indoors or outdoors? //// Indoors
  • 20) What size of closet, room or hut? ///// 3X3X7 GROW TENT
  • 21) What are the temps and humidity levels temps=65-75// Humidity 20-35%
  • 22) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? //// No
  • strain:
  • 23) What strain are you growing? Nirvana Northern Lights
  • 24) From seeds or clones? ////Clone
  • 25) Is this an autoflower strain? ////// No




Well-Known Member
Well man, got to say it is looking beautiful. Although I really am surprised you cut ALL the leaves off... Lol wtf?

Get a x25 microscope (jewelers scope) and you will know when its ready. Some plants go well into 15 weeks. But you will probably be ready in the next 2-3. Happens quickly so keep watch on those trichs!
Well man, got to say it is looking beautiful. Although I really am surprised you cut ALL the leaves off... Lol wtf?

Get a x25 microscope (jewelers scope) and you will know when its ready. Some plants go well into 15 weeks. But you will probably be ready in the next 2-3. Happens quickly so keep watch on those trichs!

Actually I didn't cut any of the leaves off. They all just fell off when I got back from my 3 week vacation. A side effect of not getting any attention for 3 weeks I guess.

edit: I have a 60x loupe and a 30x loupe so im covered in that regard. Its just that I always see peoples finishing times at around 70 days and mine is 67 and doesn't seem anywhere near done.


Well-Known Member
were the clocks in your house flashing 12:00 when you got back lol? ...it almost looks like they were sitting in complete darkness for a while and/or the temps dropped really low...maybe your place or something in the setup lost power ?....just a thought..


Well-Known Member
9 weeks since they flowered or since 12/12 light flip?
I think they look pretty good, close to getting done. You say no amber, and I see some newer pistils in photo 2. Are the trichs cloudy at all?
There are a couple of good sticky threads in the 'harvesting & curing' section that talk about a plant looking 'done'. It is not all about the trichs. I do look at the trichs for cloudy, and try to get 0-5% amber.
If you go another week with no change, you could be done !


Well-Known Member
I've grown it before not from Nirvana, and it was a 10 week finisher. Patience, it won't be long now. Keep checking those triches. Looking good!
Nughunter --Temps were most likely low as its wintertime here and I wasnt able to constantly monitor them.

Mrwood-- Its 9 weeks since I saw pistils and there are some cloudy trichromes but not many.

And would you all say that ive already hit that end of growth growth spurt or should I expect more to come?


Well-Known Member
Nughunter --Temps were most likely low as its wintertime here and I wasnt able to constantly monitor them.

Mrwood-- Its 9 weeks since I saw pistils and there are some cloudy trichromes but not many.

And would you all say that ive already hit that end of growth growth spurt or should I expect more to come?

not sure if your exhaust and fans run when your lights were off...but im going to assume when the lights went off..your fan and/or exhaust were still running? ..either way it looks like the temps dropped and they got chilly bro..still looks like a nice harvest ..epsecially since you were not able to baby them for almost a month ..as far as if they are done growing..i would give it another week and see what happens..now that you are back and can monitor the room... if the cold was a problem atleast they will have time to get back to developing a few more tri's before they get chopped !!


Well-Known Member
And would you all say that ive already hit that end of growth growth spurt or should I expect more to come?
Yes - the vertical stretch should be well over, but your buds may fill up a bit. At nine weeks you should be getting close. If your temps were low for three weeks, you may have retarded your plant growth some.
Just keep going & monitor your plants !


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt take it much longer... ive been in huge arguements about this. after fighting on the side of "more amber is good" for a while i realised i was wrong. after this year's harvest i see now that its better to harvest at around 10% amber. the thc still decomposes into amber while its curing and drying. ive ruined my nirvana white rhino and nirvana blackberry plants before experimenting with that. i


Well-Known Member
when u stress a platn to the point of extending the flower period, sometimes they never quite finish too... THIS MAY BE YOUR ISSUE. go search for the thread called bhutanese timpu or whatever its spelled. the dude has a plant at 14 weeks with no sign of being anywhere near done. he had stressed it to the point where it was ever going to finish.

think about it... the plant is keeping itself at the point where it is most likely to still produce viable seeds. which normally would be 3-4 weeks into flower. u said u stressed it out right around there too. consider this info a bit.


Well-Known Member
Well I can say that I am getting an extreme amount of new pistils as of today so hopefully it is finishing up.
Some times a strain will just continue throwing out new pistils even after trichs get dark. At a certain point you will just need to decide when to pull.
Some times a strain will just continue throwing out new pistils even after trichs get dark. At a certain point you will just need to decide when to pull.
Well as of now there are zero dark trichs and I went over them with a 60x loupe for quite a bit today. Ive got my fingers crossed ive still got another 40% of mass to come haha.