6lbs grow with only 4x600hps on 24/7


Well-Known Member
Well please stick around you are real active in this thread so far maybe when i start a grow jornal I can change your mind .. but in the mean while maybe someoen will spack somthing in you and you can add to it .

Hey its never a lost , If i come out with bunk then I learn that I cant do it , but really the only think that can go wrong in the set up is if I cant relay on myself to be there to change the lights or the plants ever 12 hrs and thats a chance im willign to take

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
my concern is the cost of another 4 6 watt digital ballast I jsut ordered 4 and it was 1600 and with my fans and pots I already spent 3k on items Im done spending
So you've got space right? Use 2 tables/lights per room instead of 4. You don't need to buy anything else EXCEPT TIMERS.;-)


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. Moving plants is impractical, but moving lights around like you're proposing is even more impractical.

You've got lots of space right? Just use 2 rooms on alternating 12/12 schedules and one with 24/0 (even though personally I think plants need to rest and wouldn't go higher than 20/4 except for rooting clones).

Get some timers. Period. No one is going to be monitoring your electricity unless you're stealing it. And if you use 2 rooms on alternating 12/12 there is no spike! I like the comment about the hot tub above.
Well Jerry Try to come up with the answer to this question:

How could you get an 8 light yeild out of only 4 lights if you can only use your lights 12/hrs a day?


Well-Known Member
move your light keep rooms full im doing same thing 2 rooms under 1 1000 watt hps. 2 rooms in flower 1 light. seperate veg room with 24 hour light.. i understand your goal. less investment more production. 4 tables 4 rooms 2 lights

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Well Jerry Try to come up with the answer to this question:

How could you get an 8 light yeild out of only 4 lights if you can only use your lights 12/hrs a day?
My man, let's just put this to bed once and for all - you can't get an 8 light yield out of only four lights.

You just can't, it's never been done and never will be.

I'd put the over/under on the first time you miss switching the plant's rooms at about day 8 - think about life and things that come up, friends wanting to grab drinks, family responsibilities, etc.

So, you've got four lights - you can either flower four light's worth of plants under those four lights, or you can buy four more lights, and flower eight light's worth of plants.

It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
My man, let's just put this to bed once and for all - you can't get an 8 light yield out of only four lights.

You just can't, it's never been done and never will be.

I'd put the over/under on the first time you miss switching the plant's rooms at about day 8 - think about life and things that come up, friends wanting to grab drinks, family responsibilities, etc.

So, you've got four lights - you can either flower four light's worth of plants under those four lights, or you can buy four more lights, and flower eight light's worth of plants.

It's that simple.
No your making excuses IM an achiver I get what i want cause I take a simple approch to it I treat it as a life and death situaton . Im the type of person that says IM quiting smoking today and its jsut that simple, nothign complex about it I just dont do it .... thats what i dont understand Why Do People make things more complex then they really are ..

And your right the answer to how do you get an 8 light yeild out of 4 lights using them 12/hrs a day is you cant you would need 24 hrs a day

Well where I come from theres 24 hrs in a day so it can be done . ..

Now i need ideas of how to design my room .


Well-Known Member
bob im doing it right now 2 rooms 1 light 12...12..allways on. yeah you need to be on point with your light move or theyll herm or worse i use a timer to be sure it goes off but i really dont need to i know my schedule. the only real benifit is you buy 1 less ballast and im only going to do this 2 months


Well-Known Member
See Im not the 1st person to adopt this situation and I really didnt want to make a thread about weather it can be done or not . My goal makign the thread was to get some more brain stoming done and come up with a souloution to this and I think I jsut have .

I think Im gogin to make my room about 20' x 10 ' make a light weight 8x8 dark room encloser Like a light proof tent that I can move back and forth then have the lights on a set of clothes lines and pull them back and forth ...

I think this may work as It wouldnt take more then 2 mins to move the tent and thne roll the lights over ....


Well-Known Member
hey bob thanks for your opinon never the less it wasnt what I wanted to hear but it help me get ambitious abut this I was just reading your jornal as well really nice and clean set up IM finding it an intresitng read


Well-Known Member
i have 2 tents with 1 light & ballast i move light every 12 hours im only going to do thin for a short time untill i get another ballast its a pain in the A$@ but it works make sure your dark is dark and never let light go over 12 hours. i use seprate veg just 1 veg room under floresents... again be sure your rooms are dark during off cycle


Well-Known Member
2 reason I wouldnt get a timer..

1 with a timer I can only 4 4 table as there 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of dark

so with timers IMlosing out on 4 extra tables ..

2. timers leave a spike in you electricty so lets say my lights came one at 6 am and shut down at 6 pm looking at public records of power usage you could notice a signifant spike of around 2500 watts being comsumed at the same times each day . ( not my bigger concern thou but never the less)
D yu have a digital meter. Thepower companies thats is? If you have the old dial type then 2500 watts starting at once wouldnt mean a thing to the power company. Way less thyan a hot tub cycling.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
hey bob thanks for your opinon never the less it wasnt what I wanted to hear but it help me get ambitious abut this I was just reading your jornal as well really nice and clean set up IM finding it an intresitng read
No worries man - just know I couldn't do it, but if you can, great.

Appreciate your input on my journal - towards the end (pretty recently) is a link to some Youtube videos of my setup, if you're interested.


Active Member
I really just dont understand how you can spend 3k on a setup and be too cheap to buy a timer... Its not even 20 bucks. Is all the inconvenience of moving all of your plants twice a day really worth it to you?... You say you want advice on how to get a high yield, and we are all giving it to you; get timers so your plants stay on schedule.

You know what.. I started typing this, then I went up and reread some of your posts. Are you capable of thinking?
The power company doesnt see how much electricity you are using every hour, they see all the kilowatt hours you used.
You cant get an 8 light yeild off of 4 lights... You cant run the lights for longer than 12 hours, the plant wont flower it will reveg.
Honestly have you ever grown weed before? I haven't and I can see plenty wrong with your plans.
If youre going to invest money, invest it in the right things. It doesnt matter how many damn lights you have if you dont know what the hell youre doing with them. Buy a timer.


Well-Known Member
you have not read this entire post Jack . Casue if you did , you would have to knwo my plants are only reciving 12 hrs of light a day and then my lights are moved into another area where they run for another set of plants for the remainder of the day which is 12 hrs . then are moves back to the orginal room 2 start day 2 of room 1 .

and why woudl it be worth it to me? well the strain im grwoing (kush) cost me around 2200 a pound SO FOR 60 DAYS 4 MINS A DAY 240 MINS iM GETTING 3 -5 extra pound of weed from only 4 lights then appose to only runnign one room for 12 hrs a day and using a timer that would shut my lights off and yeild only 3-5 total ..


Well-Known Member
i will be the first to addmit that this is a way to cut corners....never the best idea....but for me this is temporary so i can get a second ballast then i wont do it any more. for now it is allowing me 2 4-4 trays instead of 1. when i hav a second ballast i will keep same schedule 1 on 1 off because running 2 lights simotaniously will throw my breaker. i plan on getting second ballast for convienence and i figure itll last twice as long if im running it 12 12 instead of 24. now i have hooks so i just move light not plants not ballast. i had light leak in 1 area and the problems made worse because of the light being on during dark cycle....little light might not hurt but a 1000 watt light leak causes hermes so if you have to do this make sure you ckeck for any light

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
What system are you planning on using?


Manual watering?

If so, you could simply put some wheels on your tables, although you'll need to ensure that your reservoirs are connected to your tables (not necessary if hand watering), so you won't need to unhook the drain fittings and rehook each time you move.


Well-Known Member
Yea I was thinkign I got about 10 peices of 4inch white drain pipe adn I have a 1900 gph little giant pump I was thingkign have runnign spegetti line for ever 2 net baskets and placing an aeroponic spray head on it and run my pumo 24/7 liek a nft buy jsut with sprayers


Active Member
Woah that seems like a bit of a hassle with moving the lights or plants but I guess if you are there at the exact times every day it's possible. I personally don't have the luxury of being at my house at a specific time everyday so i have to rely on a $15 timer. Good luck man.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I guess I see where your coming from InvestInMe...you want to get the most out of every hour in the day...fine. But for someone who is preaching making things simple you sure are making it more complicated than it needs to be. Moving plants, moving lights, not using a timer...you're just introducing a TON of unnecessary variables that could mess up your crop in the end.

I get it, you're motivated, you put your mind to something and you do it. If you're willing to put in the work, and clearly you are, then go for it. I wish you nothing but luck in your grow. 6lbs will take forever to trim...:bigjoint: