6th Inning Stretch


Active Member
I just passed 6weeks flower on my Big Bud run and noticed something odd. It seems to have another growth spurt. In 3 days time, the tops shot up another 4-5 inches.
Not sure what happened, or if it is just a Big Bud characteristic, but nothing else has done that to me like this. Hopefully, it is just making for room for some forearm donks!

Is this something that is fairly common? Other strains I have grown did not fire off like that.


Well-Known Member
are you saying that you notice new bud growth with white hairs after most of your old bud growth's hairs have turned brown?
are you saying that you notice new bud growth with white hairs after most of your old bud growth's hairs have turned brown?
this is happening to me. wtf is happening?im guessing its a damn good thing cuz it made it look like nice'n hairy. is this like the finall last attempt to make the fruits catch pollin or what? im about 3 days away from 11 weeks and i noticed my plants sprouting new hairs at around 10. i think ima chop this weekend i have about 15% amber trichs 85% milky


Well-Known Member
this is happening to me. wtf is happening?im guessing its a damn good thing cuz it made it look like nice'n hairy. is this like the finall last attempt to make the fruits catch pollin or what? im about 3 days away from 11 weeks and i noticed my plants sprouting new hairs at around 10. i think ima chop this weekend i have about 15% amber trichs 85% milky
Oh, yeah. Chop it down.

That 'new white hair' thing happened to me a couple of grows ago. It turned out to be one of my best harvests, so it's nothing to sweat about.
oh im not even close to sweating it haha. i like the look of a nice big ole' wooly bud. and one plant stated spitting out new hairs, then the other one followed about 5 days later. it looks so cool to watch them spit more out day by day, along with little extra growths of pistols jutting out ontop of allready formed bud. and this is by far going to be my best harvest. its the first grow since upgrading from florescents to a 400 watt hps/mh bulb. I LOVE THIS LIGHT. i only have a small closet so its perfect. and i plan on cutting them this sunday as a matter of fact. it got so stinky i had to move my clothes out from the closet. i cant wait=D