3/12/15 day 19
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3/13/15 day 20
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3/14/15 day 21
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3/15/15 day 22
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A "no roots outside" pic
View attachment 3373144
I know why
@FrozenChozen isn't posting pics of his DPK

@provisionseeds sent him a couple of duds (they were free, I guess you can't complain!), and he doesn't want anyone to see that they're duds! In THREE WEEKS I've watched my nutsack hair grow more! I know he's not doing anything wrong, they just aint growing!
He popped a couple more about a week or so ago and same thing, except these took like 5-6 days to crack! They barely have a cotyledon and single blade now too!
Poor guy gave me the only 2 viable DPK seeds out of the 5 pack and I'm poor man growing it! I may have to give him the other one back, so at least he has DPK!
@provisionseeds What's up with that order he put in for me? I haven't heard anything from him except that last week it shipped right after he paid for it...
Any way I'll quit bitchin, I guess I'll just be patient for now... Maybe FC will stop by tomorrow with it...
He said something about a Provision contest? What's up with that? He's stressing about some flyer, asking me for my gaming mouse to do some picture shop shit... It must be serious, when I told him no I couldn't he ordered one rush delivery on ebay! You guys must be scratching his back something nice if he's going balls out like this for ya!