6th week of flowering, leaves look bad!


Ok guys, i am on my 6th week of flowering about to start the 7th. I have really bad leaf issues. The buds look good but my leaves look horrible on the top. I did a 60 gallon flush about two weeks ago to get rid of any salt build up. Since then I have only done one feeding with grow big and tiger bloom , another feeding with only water and another feeding with cal-mag.

This is a little background info:

1. First time time grower

2. Bag seeds

3.Plant specs: Its around 4 months old and 42 inches tall an 39 inches wide.

4. 17 gallon pot

5. 18 cfls @ 23 watts each (actual wattage) = 414 watts + 8 T8 Florescent tubes @ 32 watts each (Actual wattage) = 256 watts for a total of 256+414= 670 total watts. They are on a 12 - 12 cycle

6. Fox's farm soil

7. Nutes: Big grow, Tiger bloom, Molasses, Epsom salt (for magnesium)

8. I alternate between feedings with tiger bloom and big grow for one feeding, then the next feeding is molasses and Epsom salt. Then I repeat. NOTE: I have only used the Epsom salt twice up to this point. I was using half the recommended dose, I saw a little burn on the tips so I reduced it to a quarter of the recommended dose.

9. I had some ph issues in the beginning but now its between 6.5 and 6.8

1o.temps range from 72- 80 degrees

11. Ventilation is very good.

Any info you guys could give what be great thanks.



Well-Known Member
first time grower... common question from noobs.

But, that's why we're here.. too help the noobs out.

One thing you need to understand.. is.. that when you have a cannabis plant in flowering, the fan leafs of that plant.. will slowly yellow and die off. The older and more mature the plant gets.. the more yellowing you'll see on the leafs. This is because the plant is maturing.. and the further into flowering the plant gets.. the less the plant needs the leafs.. and its the plant's way of getting rid of them. Eventually, you may even find some leafs that just yellow up, wilt, and then die off.. and some of them will even fall off the plant on their own. Don't panic if you see this.. its no big deal.

Hope that helped..


P.S. - Something you may want to try.. try not giving it so much cal-mag. You may be giving her too much. Just a guess.. but I would try that too. That may help her out as well. But again, most of what your seeing.. is completely normal.. and all cannabis plants do this. But as for the rusty looking colors on the tops of the leafs.. again... you may be giving her too much calcium and magnesium.. so try cutting back on the cal-mag and see if that helps her perk up some.
Good luck!


Thanks man, If i only have given it cal-mag once since the flush could that still play a role in the rusty color?


Active Member
Definitely a overnute issue. As ganjaluvr stated, it is normal for plants to yellow on the fans as they progress through flowering towards the end. That's yellowing though. The brown spots on the leaves are more than likely related to too much nutes. Something I just learned recently is that FF soil has a lot of nutes in it already, including bat guano as well. Try lowering your nutes next time and see if you notice a big difference.