6under6 GDP


Active Member
Las has me thinking, after this run i will replace the ballast with newone and keep this one for spare, provided it doesnt go out.

ok peeps here is the question

im interested in your ballast preference and why, im not interested in media hype just good solid experience, wheather yours or a known source that you trust.

EVERYONE PLEASE POST A RESPONSE PLEASE, DONT JUST READ!! answers to our silly questions are important to us newbees.

EDIT: im only interested in 600 watters, thanks
You could just google it. No need to hijack his journal thread high boy.


Well-Known Member
You could just google it. No need to hijack his journal thread high boy.
you think i havent googled this you dumb fuck read and you will see i want opinions from real people that have real experience with their ballast and why they like it. there are a lot of people whose opinion i respect that i would like to hear from.
and as far as hijacking the JOURNAL its MY JOURNAL and i can say or posy whatever comes to mind if i like...

My appologies if i offend the rest of you but it burns my ass for someone to pop in and pop off like that when they either are too lazy to read enough to know what the conversation is about or just cant wait to be a negative nancy. I leave no room in my life for such negative energy and will not tolorate it in my place of refuge...

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
hey man looking great as always. one question i have some clawing on my gdp moms. there on top though. did u find out ant thing on clawing. ill show a pic if u want to look.


Well-Known Member
ok so thanks for all the imput everyone, as a whole and i agree and understand that ive proly been pushing the envelope with nutes too fucking high, newbee mistake i know. live and learn right? i just inspected plants and checked all perimeters and found more leaves are clawed, more than last night.
ppms was at 1700 up almost 100 from this morning so its too high, plants are locking out, hope ive not overdone it...
i lowered down to 1400 by adding 2 gallons of water and adjusted ph to 5.8
i feel 1400 is very safe as in that range they have thrived with no problems for weeks, guess i should have stayed there and not pushed.
i also slowed down fan so temps will raise a few degrees, ill adjust accordingly through the night untill i reach 77 or so lights on.
my rh has been between 45% and 55% and should be within acceptable range.right?
thanks every one ill keep updating till im sure its under controll.

i forgot to mention that i did a pritty good leaf trim last night before posting the help request.

the plants do not look bad just still only select leaves clawing other than that and the ppms unusual climb its business as usual. they are drinking about 3/4 to a gallon per 24 hour period. they drank a full gallon in the last 24. i hope we cought it in time so it doesnt affect plants any more or worse... i feel like when my kids were very little and very sick with a fever. all you can do is give them the meds recomended and give comfort if possable, but most of all just be there!!
hay mongo glad you dropped in been wondering bout you

i did the above as no concrete reason just speculation

i dropped the ppms down to 1000 after day 2 then i lowered to 800ppms or so after couple more. im using superstoners formula and have held there, no real changes i can see but not getting worse. send me a pic so i can see if its same or what


Well-Known Member
Las has me thinking, after this run i will replace the ballast with newone and keep this one for spare, provided it doesnt go out.

ok peeps here is the question

im interested in your ballast preference and why, im not interested in media hype just good solid experience, wheather yours or a known source that you trust.

EVERYONE PLEASE POST A RESPONSE PLEASE, DONT JUST READ!! answers to our silly questions are important to us newbees.

EDIT: im only interested in 600 watters, thanks
bumpimg past trolls lmao
las is all about lumiteck lets hear some more
las i knew u had my back, thanks bro!!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
here they aro bro,005.jpg006.jpgmy gf is going to make some cuts next week. shes a realy good gardener, just wondering what this has to do with.


Well-Known Member
my gf added some bat guano cuz a little yellowing as well i get a picture.
bat guano typically high nitrogen like 8 or 10-3-1 depending on where it came from. also dependant on what percent is water soluable. any bird shit can be a little hot in n. if its on the new growth id say too high n, can u remove the guano or dig it out? u may have to do drastic and repot up or some shit ifits really bad, need to see pics!!


Well-Known Member
im almost lights on ill go stab a couple pics and brb give me 15min or so gota couple things i gota do real fast...

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
mongo i think they will be fine thats not too much shit i got em almost touchin the stem and they just keep on truckin lol
how long you had the guano applied and how much to each pot?
about 45 minutes ago, and not that much. other than that there doing great. my gf loves gdp.


Well-Known Member
001.jpg006.jpg003.jpg005.jpg007.jpg008.jpg004.jpg011.jpg002.jpghere you see some clawing,pritty severe... ive done what i can and feel they will push on through. i think the harvest will suffer but i dont think itl hurt that much. look how nice and healthy the canopy looks. and the flowering is really getting under way. maby with the previous stated actions ive averted some real trouble. im keeping a positive attitude and not tripping. afterall they are strong resiliant plants thats only purpose is to procreate. sometimes mother nature throws curve balls, im playing mothernature and so i dropped the ball along the way, but i plan on finishing out the game no matter the results...


Well-Known Member
if your convinced its the guano kinda scrape the surface and lean pot over and let the loose soil drop, put sone new back if needed and deep water till full run off like flushing. that should either dilute the n a little or maby even loose ome in the flush.
it really doesnt look that bad i would proly just keep an eye out but by then the soil would have absored maby even more. roll the dice.
if i was really worried and knew id fdup id be cutting cuttings right now before they really got burned.
thats a lot of options and sugestions but only you can decide..
we generally worry too much i think and if we dont just leave well enough alone we tend to make it worse.


Well-Known Member
canopy looks nice and green, does it take alot of time to put the branches through the mesh?
i veged and lst'd for a month before flip. then end of 1st weeb set screen at plant level, been 2 weeks and only a couple tucks or pulls to this point.
the olive oil plant has been another story she takes a lot of tucking and pulling to controll. wish i knew what she was, all 6 were supposed to be gdp but this plant has same color in base and stems but everything else is different. grows 3x as fast as the others. ive cloned her and plan on diong a full screen if the 1st run is quality and quantity


Well-Known Member
i agree we tend to make it worse. im just going to chill. and let her do her thing.
yea i dnt want to tell you that but its what id do, they look great to me. somedays i eat something and it doesnt agree with me. i get grumpy and no fun, then other times i have the perfect meal and im a joy to be around (unlikley lol). thats the way i think of my plants, like people or pets, we all have off days. dont fret and it will usually fix itself.

so hows the rest of the kids?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
og kush r doing great i think. fist time doing them. kind of scary doing new strains than im used to. hard to tell how they want to grow. im used to growing sour diesel. used to be my favorite, but then i smoked some og kush and now its my favorite. so well see how it yields. got them under 3000 watts.


Well-Known Member
very interesting i am about to set up the same size tent and light but not sure on soil or hydro yet subed