6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
ok so when i went and checked the girls this evening i had the priv of seeing the first sign of flowering, just a few white hairs but enough!! got me haha.

005.jpgIM 006.jpgSTOKE003.jpgD!!!!!!!

they are drinking tons of water, how much is normal for 6 healthy plants in 65-70 degree weather on 12/12. nut solution is holding at 68*

couple weard things happening but will all work out. had another leak to find and water to clean up. my next revision/design will eleminate more possabilities we will see lol


also gona cut clones/trim a few that will never amount to anything. the original clones are alive but in bad shape. personal failure, i didnt check on them for last 3 days and seems the ph was way the fuck out before that, like 8 and such. visual imed told me problem with sick very sick plants. going to trash them probly be hermie on me if i let them live. live and learn.

overall its a great day!!! lovin this


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say they're showing flowers but they're def girls. Nice job taking the pics. I always have trouble getting good pics close up like that.

EDIT: The fingers are good btw. Recovered from the day with the shitty little scissors, lol.


Well-Known Member
ok girls are good!!!! lmao im so anxious to see these babies in bud im reachin for anything. glad your pinkeys arent nubs, hate repedative workwith the wrong tool. that sucks big time.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
looking sweeeeeet from ur last lot of pictures bro :) i'm a scrog boy and cant wait to see that screen filled up :) u new 2 growing or just new 2 RIU?


Well-Known Member
Las Fingerez
this is my very first grow... ive grown tomatoes and such in the garden in soil but this is first time for mj or hydro. i lurked a while reading and sifting through the bs on several sites before i decided to settle in and join here on riu. have had nothing but good responces to my q's here. lots of good people willing to help a newbee out. im so full of questions im about to burst, most of them i look up, the others time will answer or i pester someone till i get an answer i feel is lagit. but i really appreciate everyones comments good or bad. when you know next to nothing about a venture youve undertaken every bit of info is good bs or not.ive got a pritty good bs meter so feel i can sift through pritty fast lmao
anyway glad you stopped in. your always welcome to pop in and see how a newbee is doing. leave a comment or sugeston i respect your oppinion. ive read a lot of your stuff and coments to others and feel you are a straight up dude so thanks.


Active Member
Hey 4atude. After flushing with 10gal/each pot I was able to bring the PH down to 6.2 on most of the ladies. I tried flushing with 5.0 water and I couldn't get them to 5.8. But someone told me that in coco the runoff is normally a lil more alkaline than the water going in. So I'm crossing my fingers and hoping my ladies are happy now.


Well-Known Member
G37 im keeping my fingers crossed for you, good luck n thanks for letting me know. shout back in a few days n let us know how they are, maby even a couple pics to see what was affected if any...


Well-Known Member
ok so its been 2 weeks since i flipped to 12/12 nothing too much to report other than setting the scrog screen.

flowering should be evident in short order as bud sites are loading up and pre flowers are everywhere.

the ph and ppms are as steady as a rock and very predictable.
when i change res i set ph at 5.7 ph seems to rise 1 pt per day so 3 days later its at 6, i think thats a very acceptable range.
the ppms are at 1650ppm and holding steady, no more than 30ppm change in 3 days
every 3 days i add 3 gallons and adjust nutes and ph. i still check ph and ppms every morning and at night. i have skipped a couple times and not worried about it.

the canopy is so thick i feel the need to trim but will hold off till penetration of screen and select cut as needed. bases are getting thick and are readt to support the fruit lol.

005.jpg the screen is set 12in above the plants, and the light is adjusted to 18in above screen

002.jpg based on some good advice from dezracer i changed the screen from chicken wire to a section of hog panell. the openings are 4x4 and will allow easy adjustment etc.

003.jpg004.jpg couple of close ups of the wire screen.

i realize this is not the most exciting update as its the lul just before we really get to see the action. im looking forward to next weeks update as i feel ill have some nice pics of the girls poking above the screen and possably some small bud porn lol

im having so much fun with this grow and have learned so mutch

i would like to thank RIU and the community for all the support yall have given me, without this forum and the wonderfull people that have helped me along i could not have done this. THANK YOU!!!


Active Member
ok so its been 2 weeks since i flipped to 12/12 nothing too much to report other than setting the scrog screen.

flowering should be evident in short order as bud sites are loading up and pre flowers are everywhere.

the ph and ppms are as steady as a rock and very predictable.
when i change res i set ph at 5.7 ph seems to rise 1 pt per day so 3 days later its at 6, i think thats a very acceptable range.
the ppms are at 1650ppm and holding steady, no more than 30ppm change in 3 days
every 3 days i add 3 gallons and adjust nutes and ph. i still check ph and ppms every morning and at night. i have skipped a couple times and not worried about it.

the canopy is so thick i feel the need to trim but will hold off till penetration of screen and select cut as needed. bases are getting thick and are readt to support the fruit lol.

View attachment 1496599 the screen is set 12in above the plants, and the light is adjusted to 18in above screen

View attachment 1496601 based on some good advice from dezracer i changed the screen from chicken wire to a section of hog panell. the openings are 4x4 and will allow easy adjustment etc.

View attachment 1496603View attachment 1496608 couple of close ups of the wire screen.

i realize this is not the most exciting update as its the lul just before we really get to see the action. im looking forward to next weeks update as i feel ill have some nice pics of the girls poking above the screen and possably some small bud porn lol

im having so much fun with this grow and have learned so mutch

i would like to thank RIU and the community for all the support yall have given me, without this forum and the wonderfull people that have helped me along i could not have done this. THANK YOU!!!
Hey wassup 4tatude. U got some thick foliage going on there! Isnt this grow so much fun and exciting!? I've learned so much from my grow and I know you have learned so much also. Our grow is almost identical. Every 3 days like clock work. I also decided to trim some foliage on the bottom half of all my plants that aren't getting sufficient amount of light. I'm not sure if you really need it but it could be a good idea if you wanna concentrate more on top to mid bud sites. But other than that GREAT JOB!


Well-Known Member
Your screen is almost full already, lol.
That screen isn't going to know what hit it by the end of this week 2 of flower and will most likely disappear under the flowers in only 2-3 weeks time from now. You should really have yourself a great harvest from that setup as long as you keep doing things how you're doing them now.

Very nice bru.


Well-Known Member
Wow Bro, impressed with your setup. +reps. GDP's are an awesome strain. I got some GDP mother's... They grow so beautiful! Again great job! Im really exited to watch yours grow. Got Purple? LOL Peace Sub'd


Well-Known Member
not only am i havin fun but look at the support im getting
thanks everyone for all the kind words


Well-Known Member
thanks man, hows it going? hows those ladies doing? they must be getting big by now. throw us up a couple pics so we can all enjoy.


Well-Known Member
They look so good and healthy.... man! can't wait to se what the next few weeks will bring . Hope for a lot of:weed:
Mel me too,cant wait and hope for a LOTT!!!!! HELL YEA!!!!
btw glad you finally flipped, i was getting restless. my!! my!! those ladies have some nice legs!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking great! This is about to get really good. How many days into flower are you now?
about to!! its been a blast for me from the start!!!
but to answer your Q i flipped to 12/12 on the 2nd
and thanks for the comps


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup 4tatude. U got some thick foliage going on there! Isnt this grow so much fun and exciting!? I've learned so much from my grow and I know you have learned so much also. Our grow is almost identical. Every 3 days like clock work. I also decided to trim some foliage on the bottom half of all my plants that aren't getting sufficient amount of light. I'm not sure if you really need it but it could be a good idea if you wanna concentrate more on top to mid bud sites. But other than that GREAT JOB!
G37 its almost too much fun!! yea ive leaned sooooo much. yea i like a three day schedule, top off, add nutes, balance ph, and enjoy for another 3.
im going to start select cutting leaves to help air circulation but will refrain from trimming limbs other than the most obvious untill i see what they are going to do as far as stretch. man its hard for me to cut limbs...