6wks old and only four inches tall, please help!

My plants just aren't growing. They are six wks from seed. They show irtually no change week to week. Almost no new leaves or height.
Yes, I realize that my containers are super ghetto and that you're all about to make fun of me but I need help. Here are the facts:
I have 320 watts (6700k) of flouro tubes (i run them 24 hrs a day), with styrofoam reflective panels on the walls. However, my door to the box lets some light escape. You can tell how bright the box is though, so I doubt a little light around the door would cause them not to grow.
Fafard soil with no nutes.
Ph of runoff is 6.8
Humidity has always been super low at around 30. Thought it wasn't too big of a deal.
heat has been high- around 88 degrees. I am installing comp fans this week.
only nutes they have had are Superthrive a four weeks ago and some 15-0-0 Bat Guano about 9 days ago.

I realize I need to re-pot the two larger plants, but those are crap plants anyway. I am mostly concerned with the smaller ones, as they come from really good bagseed, not crappy arcade weed, like the big ones. I mostly just keep those to experiment with later.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I feel like I am almost out of ideas and that my small little probs, like low humidity and some light leakage aren't big enough issues to cause this degree of stunting but obviously, I am quite new to this.



Well-Known Member
Have you got drainage holes in all those containers? Bit of root rot, maybe thats stunting them IDK :leaf:
what about the fourth picture? Those plants are tiny! They really need more room in the containers?

All have drainage except the one in the awesome green vase. a couple showed green algae in the containers, which is why that one still has duct tape on it.

I will transplant them all this week and report back. thanks for your help, everyone.

You guys think the humidity is ok and the light is adequate, though? Would the "good" plants do better if I remove the crap plants? more light per plant that way?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Okay - here is my take

1. Get them on a 18/6 light schedule
2. When you transplant, mix in some perlite to aerate the root system (looks like backyard dirt).
3. Make sure the containers are light proof.
4. Give them some real food if they are 6 weeks old.
5. Quit over watering them, they are drowning.


Well-Known Member
It must be overwatering to be that stunted, sounds like your trying to compensate the low rh with extra water. Just mist if its that dry, dont overwater.


Active Member
besides the container there in I would say to try to get them off 24hours lights on. I had the same problem but mine were in good sized pots and no new growths so I switched to 20/4 and walla they had new growths. I read 24hours lights on would make them grow faster but obviously that aint always the case.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have tried 3 different veg cycles over the years. (24/0 & 20/4 & 18/6) I found that 18/6 worked the best for me all around. I think some of that may be genetic predisposition. I am still growing the original strain I started with and I have learned what it likes. That can be half the battle.