6x4 flower and 5x4 veg


Well-Known Member
Hey riu, I'm an outdoor grower that's moving things indoors for the winter.

Things I have already are, circulating fans one for each room I have 1 400watt mh light that I used for clones and a mother that will be used in veg also I have a 2 bulb t5 I'm going to use in there as well. The veg room I have figured out . So I'll have roughly 450-500watt in veg

The flower room I need help with I have never flowered indoors. I'm wondering what size light do I need, I'm going to be doing a flood and drain table in a perpetual type grow.

What size light do I need I'm thinking 2 600watt or 1 1000watt on a lift rail?

I have trays that are going to fit in my table that are going to hold the hydroton.
The trays are 12inchs x 24inches so I will fit 12 trays. But I'm thinking of using 10 so that I will have one tray finish a week. I'm thinking of using three 8-10 inch clones in each tray. So total when the room is filled there will be 30 plants.

I think each tray should give me 4oz each that's 1.3 a plant.

And I know this is kinda backwards to talk about veg after flower but I needed to explain the tray idea so this will make sense. I'm planning on having a mother plant that I already have growing. I'll take clones and get them vegging, the first few plants that go into flower will be small.

For example I'm going to take 50 clones. Once they root 3 will immediately be thrown into flower. Then a week later 3 more and 3 more and so on until I work out when I need to take clone so they are 8 inches and ready every week.

Does anyone have anything to add or that would be a better idea. I'm open to discussions. Sorry if any of that is confusing. And thanks for any and all help!!!


Well-Known Member
first I would get 2 600 watts light more coverage and better height control next I would take a little time clone 3 this week then clone 3 next week and so on let then veg for 4weeks or so then start putting them into flower


Well-Known Member
first I would get 2 600 watts light more coverage and better height control next I would take a little time clone 3 this week then clone 3 next week and so on let then veg for 4weeks or so then start putting them into flower
Height shouldn't be an issue I can tie the down if need be but I will have a comfortable 5 feet to the light. And I will likely clone 10 each week and the fastest 3 will make it