7 1/2 weeks yellow


Active Member
my plants are 7 1/2 in and already yellowing fast what do i do i need them to make it til nine weeks

any advise will help i stoped giving nutes already should i give them one last batch of nutes? or will it taste bad



Well-Known Member
First off most plants to not finish at the allmighty 8 week mark,most of the hype about 8 week finish time is seed bank bullshit,most strains ive grown take closer to 10 weeks,watch the trichomes not the calendar.

Yellowing leaves are obviously a sign of a lack of nitrogen,it all comes down to this,how much faith do you put into "flushing" your plants being important,if you want healthy plants up until harvest then give em a shot of nitrogen rich fertilizer for a few waterings,if your dead set on flushing then accept sun leaves that wont be doing their job .

I personally place plant health above flushing hence ive given up on flushing alltogether,my buds taste & smoke kick ass too.


Active Member
First off most plants to not finish at the allmighty 8 week mark,most of the hype about 8 week finish time is seed bank bullshit,most strains ive grown take closer to 10 weeks,watch the trichomes not the calendar.

Yellowing leaves are obviously a sign of a lack of nitrogen,it all comes down to this,how much faith do you put into "flushing" your plants being important,if you want healthy plants up until harvest then give em a shot of nitrogen rich fertilizer for a few waterings,if your dead set on flushing then accept sun leaves that wont be doing their job .

I personally place plant health above flushing hence ive given up on flushing alltogether,my buds taste & smoke kick ass too.

if i give them fert in two weeks will it have a bad taste the only reason im so worried is i have a friend coming by to water for me since im leaving my home and wont be back till there about nine weeks will they get messed up if they keep on yellowing???? im only givin water and mollases for the last week or so


Well-Known Member
Give them a watering with one light dose of Nitrogen - keep it under 6 %, then let them finish.
The fan leaves yellowing is just part of the finish - allot of people on here - stress out - when their plants don't look like High Times Cenerfolds at weeks 7 or 8.
IMO the yellowing of leaves past 7 weeks, just ensures Mary is doing her thing correctly. In nature, that's exactly what would be happening. If your plant is pulling energy from the parts it no longer considers necessary, to finish the buds - let it be.
I say that, because if the fan leaves are yellow - it means there are no excessive amounts of NPK in the plant tissues. That means a smoother smoke.
Now, there are people who will yell, " But you will loose some yield ".
You sure will - a whole gram, mabye two. So what, I want quality - not quanity so bad, I'll make it taste shitty for two more grams.... Not sound logic in my book....
This has just been Ohsogreen's Opinion..... shared by some, not with all.....


Well-Known Member
You sure will - a whole gram, mabye two. So what, I want quality - not quanity so bad, I'll make it taste shitty for two more grams.... Not sound logic in my book....

Not trying to argue but i'd like to debate this topic a bit if ya dont mind.

Have you tried any double blind testing of flushed vs non flushed plants,if so what was the outcome ?

A little back ground on my testing of this.

I flushed every grow until i read some things from albfuked about flushing being a waste of time & that got me thinking,i have experience running double blind tests in other non weed related issues so i figured i'd set up some tests with flushed & non flushed.

I flushed most of my grow & left a few go & kept fertilizing them,after harvest i kept the 2 seperate & gave some in seperate bags to a few of my family & friends who i give smoke to every harvest, i told them nothing about the weed,i marked each bag as bag A & bag B and asked them to write down their smoking experience with each seperate bag,each bag had 1 gram,i also asked them to pick which weed tasted better & which weed gave the better buzz.

Not one single person said either weed tasted harsh,burned bad or any negative side effects,infact after talking with them & reading what they wrote while they were smoking all but one person picked the non flushed weed as being the better weed based on looks because the buds looked a little better.

On the 2nd round of testing i put the exact same weed in the same amounts in the bags,only this time i labled the bags as Flushed & Non flushed,this time what they wrote & what they told me was a world of difference,the weed i marked as flushed was picked by every person as bing a little harsh or dry,bad after taste & not burn as clean,the thing is that i mis labled the bags on purpose,the weed i marked as being flushed was non flushed weed & vice versa.

I was real curious after this so i asked al some more questions & the answers led me to research wine tasting,the things i read about wine tasting echoed what i had learned from my blind testing of my weed,wine tasting is also plagued by alot of the myth's that surround weed & is subject to the same suggestive results i experienced.

The power of suggestion i planted by marking the bags as flushed & non flushed inacted a strong placebo effect in all of them, after that i gave up on flushing any more grows.

Ya like what ya like but just for shits & giggles try this sometime, ya might get a shock at the results.


Active Member
so if your sayin you fertilized till the end then i should have no problem boosting them till the end i think im going to dose them up tommaro thanks for all the help panhead any more of your good knowledge would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
so if your sayin you fertilized till the end then i should have no problem boosting them till the end i think im going to dose them up tommaro thanks for all the help panhead any more of your good knowledge would be greatly appreciated
Your welcome & yes i fertilize my plants right up until harvest,the last feeding they recieve is a heavy dose of nitrogen rich fert to green them up real nice,i hit them heavy with a 30-10-10 ratio & experience no bad taste at all.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to argue but i'd like to debate this topic a bit if ya dont mind.

Have you tried any double blind testing of flushed vs non flushed plants,if so what was the outcome ?
Panhead.... I enjoy a good debate and welcome them.
Yes, I have done numerous double bind style grows over the years. I've done all organic vs all chem, flush vs no flush, soil vs soilless, soil vs hydro.. and combos of all of those. I've always had to prove to myself - wheter something was true or not.
I've found that providing some Nitrogen in the last few weeks - does not affect taste substancially - but does - just slightly. Most people, would not even notice..
I prefer my plants to be green - up until the last couple of weeks; because healthy plants are less subject to plant diseases & pest attacks.
When it comes to taste, I am quite picky - I don't just smoke buds - I savor them. So, I speak from repeated bong hits, joints and smaller pipe tokes.....always seperated by at least a few hours - to ensure both samples are accurately evaluated...
I've found the best taste / aftertaste comes from the plants, that I let strip down the engergy reserves held in the fan leaves. Now does that cause some loss in yield - Yes. Was one a better high than the other - No - both were equal in affect.
I've done the measurements time and time again - and truthfully - the difference was never more than a few grams per plant. Since, I keep only buds and cull everything else. Now for those who keep leaves and count them as weight - that sets up a false end yield in my book - as any plant can be pushed to produce more leaf - with more nutes. I'm just after the buds..... I donate all my leaves to a hash smoking buddy, who does the bubble bag thing - often.
So, in my opinion the trade off is worth the small loss. By going this route, it ensures there are no stored nutes in the plant tissues.
When heavy fertilizing is done with products like 30-10-10 or 0-50-10... etc... right at the end of the life cycle. These nutes cause an imbalance in the fluids, inside the plant. These super ferts can cause the plant to become so saturated with nutes - they actually displace water - start wilting and stop growing. I'm all against super numbered nutes for that very reason.
Now it may be, that your last fertilization is being slowed / buffered by your soil - so the full effect is not kicking end prior to harvest. Different grow medium / mixes leach nutes at different rates of absorption. So, since I don't know your soil mix - I can not really say. But, all of this is just my opinion - from repeated tests - kept as close & honest as possible.
As far at the No N thing - I have not had one person, in thirty years of growing, convience me - that providing no N in the last month - provides any advantages - at all. Now, they are quick to quote Advertising Statements - made by the Big Fert Companies selling this stuff - but none have proven to me - these companies are right. After all, we know what motivates them to break down NPK level into two or three parts - Grow, Micro, Bloom nutes equal more ... MONEY..... So, of course there has to be a reason why this is better.... Hmmm
Just like your labeled bags of bud - the power of suggestion is Very Powerful to some. I once labeled three different small samples of the same Skunk # 1 (from the same bud) with different names. I labeled one, Skunk, the other NL / Skunk Cross and the last one Fat Bastard by Dutch Passion. The two guys I gave it to, all claimed the Fat Bastard buddage ( a name that I just made up ) was by far the best. Dutch Passions advertising is working.... LOL ...
So, to anyone who has an opinion on this chime in and tell us why you believe one way or the other. Healthy discussion benefits us all....
Keep it Real.... & never trust the Big Fert companies - they just want your money....