7-10day baby problems! HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hey right now i got my plants under a 4xt5 lights and 18/6 light cycle. My oldest plant is 10days old and is the one i took photos of alone. could you please give me some advice somebody. I currently have them in a soil, perlite, vermiculite, coco coir, peat moss mix. feeding 1/4 nutes once every two days. i am in thailand should i just stick them outside in sunlight and then move them inside during night give it something like 24/0 lights for awhile?? thanks for help



Well-Known Member
really i dont know i just saw some guys plant at 14days look so much bigger.. like this guys


Well-Known Member
U are feeding too much too soon although the plants look no worse for the ware. Don't feed again for about two more weeks. Plants look good. If u can put them outdoors then do. Begin with a small amount of full sun then move them back into part sun and gradually increase the amount of full sun they get over about a weeks time. 18 hrs is sufficient.


Active Member
look at my thread also in the newbie section, my plants are day 47! and from the pics I've seen they should have looked like that at day 20 maybe.

but one thing growing teaches you is patience, in this day and age where instant gratification rules, these plants will force you to slow down.