Judging by how these guys are wearing skate shoes and look fairly young, it is very possible that he's not wearing a belt, my pants are halfway down my ass all the time it doesn't mean i have midget legs... and that bucket definitely only would go up to around his knees were it upright... and the variety of pictures with multiple shots pretty much confirms it, the scale of the plants to surroundings/ladder/etc in all the pictures stays the same... and those plants are only 14ish feet tall, which is realistic as hell also.anybody notice this guy's arms are way longer than his legs... nobody noticed that? I'm sorry but in my honest opinion this is so shopped.
holy fucken SCROG
Look at the vines. The triangle shaped ones are Kudzu, the round ones are Muscadine. Both indiginous species of the southeast.i dont see any kudzu trees all i see is pine wich is every where and red clay wich is also every where and some mushes that are all over oregon all those plants in that pick are in my back yard u can ttell a location just buy its surroundings unless u have a very descriptive pic of where it was takin. i dont think the south either im think these are more down towards mexico, arizona ect dry places with lots of sun all summer