7 days of dark. The final flush.

If seven days makes more trichomes, then it would be better to just leave um in the dark for another two weeks or so. You will be harvesting a large chunk of hash I bet.
If seven days makes more trichomes, then it would be better to just leave um in the dark for another two weeks or so. You will be harvesting a large chunk of hash I bet.

lol yea I doubt it's going to add any trichs to the plant

...but might it not be a good way to extend the dry/cure process?
During that week sugars/starches will be used up and chlorophyl will be broken down a little. It might produce a smoother smoke
you cant and dont flush organic soil... if your using true orgnaic soil then theres no need to flush, the only reason you ever flush your soil is if you use bottled nutes...
What is would be none organic soil then? With bottled nutes what exactly do you think you can flush out of a plant? There is simply no reason to flush a plant other than to correct a major overdose of nutes...
if your using organic soil and just using compost teas and such theres no reason flush. and yes like you said if you over do bottled nutes you do need to flush.. but the only reason ive found to flush is those that use bottled nutes because of taste. So its more of personal preference but there is no real need to flush esp. if your growing organically. My point was i dont see reason for a flush if your growing organically which is what was stated for this thread. or semi organically.
if your using organic soil and just using compost teas and such theres no reason flush. and yes like you said if you over do bottled nutes you do need to flush.. but the only reason ive found to flush is those that use bottled nutes because of taste. So its more of personal preference but there is no real need to flush esp. if your growing organically. My point was i dont see reason for a flush if your growing organically which is what was stated for this thread. or semi organically.

Well what if your getting close to harvest and your plants are super green or even burning from too hot of soil.

Is there absolutely nothing you can do?
I have seen that as well but it was to force flowering (done during the veg stage). I have not yet seen or heard of any growers trying to cover the plants at harvest time around here (you would need a circus tent)
It doesn't add more frost, dear Jesus man have you not been reading? Lol!

I'm still very new, but read all your posts and if i understand correctly you suggest NO flush whatsoever? From what I understand, the most important thing about a flush is the 4-5 day period between watering or another flush that ALLOWS LARGE AMOUNTS OF AIR to get to the root system. wether you give nutes after the flush or not, your suffocating your plant NOT flushing it at all.
i think ppl are missing the pt....with organic soil its not that you dont "need" to flush its simply you "cant" flush....the microbials in the soil will continue to leave plant food even if you flush so it would be a long and hard process with no point to actually get the plant to stop feeding. on the other hand chemical ferts are direct and therefore can be immediately leached from the soil with no automatic production of more plant food, and i have found that flushing chemical nutes gives a cleaner taste. the bottom line is flushing is easy and surely doesnt impede a plant at all so why not just do it!!.....and to rumple who cares what outdoor growers do the point of growing inside isnt to replicate the parameters outside, the point is to improve on what your limited to outside..maybe if they could shut off the sun for a week it would actually be better for the plants but they cant so guess what, indoors we go smart ass ;)
Fair enough, but if you go off telling people not to feed for the last 3 weeks of flower you're a noob and shouldn't be giving advice of any kind.

I hope the newer growers reading this thread don't fall into the "noob in expert clothing" trap youve set, 3 weeks without nutes will kill your yield more than anything else you could possibly do.

This site is really suffering from all the myth and bullshit coming from some newer members...

Your burnt. You are the 'noob' or you just don't grow. If you really are a grower I hope to god I don't ever run across your smoke. It must taste like holly hell if your not flushing. You are the most ignorant person I've run across on all these bud growing forums. I would not be a bit surprised if your a morbidly obese pimply 14 year old living at home or have a slight mental handicap... in which case I apologize.
Your burnt. You are the 'noob' or you just don't grow. If you really are a grower I hope to god I don't ever run across your smoke. It must taste like holly hell if your not flushing. You are the most ignorant person I've run across on all these bud growing forums. I would not be a bit surprised if your a morbidly obese pimply 14 year old living at home or have a slight mental handicap... in which case I apologize.
No I just grow plants, not magical toilets.

Green from veg to finish and perfect burn and flavour. Jealous?

And the guy who said you need to flush to renew the air in the pot...the water from your watering does that when it dries out...you think it makes a vacuum when the water dries out? No, air rushes in to take it place.

So many Grow Bible growers on this site now full of bullshit cannabis industry book knowledge crap, theres fuck all actual farmers left who know how plants work.

Its sad most people here have never grown a plant bar cannabis, they might learn that they're all basically the same.
I think saying that flushing is not needed is not completely correct... And this is coming from someone who does not pre harvest flush anymore either. Most new growers probably should flush because there is a pretty good chance that they have "over ferted". Once you get growing down to a science then try the no flushing, I did and was pleasantly surprised. I think most of the stuff you hear regarding bad taste, dark ash is a mixture of cutting too early and not drying/curing properly. All I can say is try it, if it doesn't work for you then fine. The only difference I found between flushing vs. not flushing was bigger buds as a result of not cutting off food to my ladies when they are craving it the most. Hopefully this makes sense, damn white widow...
This is for organic and semi-organic soils only.
I flush my girls for the last 14 days with 3x the volume of semi-cold water per pot. EXAMPLE: 3 gal. pots get 9 gal. of semi-cold pure unPH'ed water.
If its a 10 week strain, start the flush at week 8. Then the dark/ice cold water technique at week 10 to bring it to 11 weeks before harvesting.)
Then put them in complete darkness for 7 days and begin to flush with ICE COLD WATER. This will shock the plants root system which triggers the plant to protect itself by pushing out as many trichomes as it possibly can.
Flush with ICE COLD WATER on day 1, 4, and 6.
On the 6th day, flush 1 more time in the morning and take off any fan leaves or little leaves by hand or with scissors. But they should just snap right off pulling downwards. This just helps make it easier the next morning.
The next morning, HARVEST. Just chop the girls at the base of the main stalk near the soil line. Hang upside down and trim away. I like to use my shower curtain rod to hang my freshly harvested girls on with trash bags in the tub and floor to catch the suger leaf trim. (I hate hairs in my trim. This helps).
PIC 1 - Great White Shark. Bottom bud. After the dark/cold water technique.

i am skeptical. ive seen seeds on plants from stress. seeds will grow if the roots get stressed. i have a theory that you dont wait long enough to harvest.. youve always just assumed your darkness period producd more trichomes when the reality is it is still maturing...l woud not be surprised if your customers love our bud but find the occasional seed... i will try this 7 dark period with ice water...but skeptically lol.. i
I agree, but if someone else has already done the experiments for us, then we don't need to do the tests ourselves

Did you really just say that? Are you serious?
If someone does a test, and says its true, you just believe it at face value?

*Facepalm* Science is dead....

And that harrekin guy you are really making this thread 20 times harder to read. Instead of just spouting out bullshit, why don't you try to replicate this guy's process and PROVE that it doesn't work better than yours, rather than just living in a world of theoretical domination. If you're right, which you may as well be, then prove it. I remember a time in this world where a scientist would replicate another man's test, then prove without a doubt that he was wrong, usually with 20 pages of research. Instead, we're just mudslinging back and forth to see who's ego is taller.

I need some facts and tests people, not supposed truths. if I had space, I'd attempt to replicate 5000joint's process (since he was so kind to share it with us). We can't just put something down because of "science" or "what is known". Isn't that what they did to Darwin? Tesla? Galileo? You have to be open minded and ready to learn. The more you know, the better. If this method doesn't work, you should be able to say, "I did this, and it didn't work."
I agree with dadankskunk , and it's not only new grower and the "un-enlightened" flushing plants before harvest. I asked Jorge Cervantes if the folks who compete in the High Times Cannabis Cup flush before harvest, He said they did for at least 14 days. He criticized me for only flushing my harvest for ten days. For some reason I would trust Jorge's opinion and demonstrated skills over some guy on the forum named Harrekin. But if your bud is tasting good to you without a flush, then keep on feeding her and enjoy your harvest.
I still have the email from Jorge if anyone cares (the guy answers all his mail, try it).

Folks smoking real good weed tend to be friendly.

nice posting!

Excuse me Harrekin! I use FFOF soil, FF- Grow Big,Big Bloom,& Tiger Bloom, The TRI-PACK of additives - Open Sesame, Beaztie Bloomz, & Cha-Ching.
CAL-MAG+, DYNA-GRO's PRO-TEKT, & Superthrive.
I grow with SEMI-ORGANIC soil!!!!!!!!!! PADAWAN?!?
I know that to flush organic soil it needs to be flushed the day before harvest. So doesnt my SEMI-ORGANIC SOIL. By the time 3 -4 months has past, FFOF soil is outa nutes just about.
Fully Organic soil cannot be fully flushed because the soil is the nutrients. To make sure the plant cannot absorb anymore nutrients before harvesting a FULLY-ORGANICALLY grown plant it must be flushed the morning the day before harvest to ensure no nutrient uptake.
My weeds the smoothest, tastiest, most potent bud around and I would put it up against anyones herb.
Padawan...... Unbelievable! L8ER
So after all that and alot of reading, taking into account 5000j's method, Subcools details on hormones and a bit of curing logic my hypothesis is that 5000j's method may well work providing you begin the dark session AFTER you would normally harvest and a satisfactory bud size is reached.

For the first 72hrs the plants thc producing hormones are kept in play (apparently according to sub and other respectable growers) causing it to maximize the THC levels within the trichomes by up to 10% (this may or may not increase trichome SIZE).

The following days in the dark and the cold flushing shock the plant into dissmissing its roots for feasable use and it starts to metabolize and break down its own sugars in the same way time does to buds in a curing jar. Now whether or not this breakdown happens faster than conventional curing or not is down to EACH grower to find out for themselves. Arguing like our next crop is our last is just stupid, either try it. or dissmiss it.
experiment or don't - that to me is what growing is about.

I for one appreciate the method being shared, this isn't going to kill newbie growers pot.
And a grower (especially a n00b) should also use his/her own knowledge and research to add up whether a method should be tried or not.
either way, take a clone what the F*CK has anyone to loose other than pride?

Is it ok to feed right up to the end if you are doing 7 days of dark with flushes? Because im thinking if you feed up till the end and then flush during dark should be ok. Anyone?