7 foot plant beginning to bud!!!!!!!!!!Pics!>!

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Well-Known Member
Ok so we decided it was about time to trim off most of the fan leaves off of our 7 foot outdoor sativa plant....

We did it about two weeks ago or so and now the entire plant is really filling in and becoming quite bushy.... Its

looking great and we MIGHT have just enough time to flower it completely.... but if worse comes to worse i'd like to know what is the earliest the buds

can be picked and how to mature them the best so we get the most out of our plant as we can....any advice??????anyone done this b4, how did it work out?????heres the link---> https://www.rollitup.org/members/smokedr420-71127-albums-smoke-brothers.html


Well-Known Member
not all of them OF COURSE and it wasnt only fan leaves, we took leaves off that were blocking the light from reaching certain spots


Well-Known Member
scronny??????? we used a really crappy camera the stalk is almost an inch thick!!!!! if you saw it in person i think youd retract that last statement!!! but thanks anyways

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
dude are u kidding my 3 foot plants have an inch thick stalk u dont want them that big u wanna top them so u get more colas ur only gonna get 1-2 onces now that u trimmed it ur suppose to leave it alone the plant wouldnt grow them if it didnt need them and next time water them with molases it will beef them up the idea is to make as many colas and bud sites as possible this is achevied by topping the plant look into getting some info on topping u want a 3-4 foot plant that is 5 feet wide now becuse u took the leaves off it cant thicken the colas meaning it wont make bigg buds becuse they'll snap the branchs.


Well-Known Member
They look scrawny. Are they in direct sunlight? Removing healthy leaves really reduces your yield and stresses the plant out. I understand your reasoning but you have been misinformed but yeah good luck the rest of the way.


Well-Known Member
not all of them OF COURSE and it wasnt only fan leaves, we took leaves off that were blocking the light from reaching certain spots
Hey man..next year try tying or tucking the branches instead..I tied one to bend at 90 degree angle so all the inner shoots get light and grow up (see avatar, thats one plant).....Yeah baby is stretched, but you know what..... You grew a plant, bottom line...some have bought a lot of pricey equipment and they can't get a plant to grow to save their lives..so +rep for that........:weed:

if you left the leaves on it....
thanks too fdd for being the shit


Well-Known Member
hmmmmm well see the thing is i had to revive this plant...........before this it was it was snapped at the top and dying 2 1/2 months ago and now its doing great....and we do not have the time schedule we need in any way.........so i figured speed it up get it to flowering qiucker and get as much as we can untill next season we can do everything we need thanks ne ways


Well-Known Member
ya man that is the bottom line....we grew it...revived it(spot was found) and now its doin awesome compared to before.....but thanks twisty man....much appreciated bro


Well-Known Member
Its gonna need more time, alot more time by the looks of it and I dont think your climate will support till maturity....It does look a little anorexic


Well-Known Member
everyone's so negative. it's a nice size plant in the woods some place. you're not putting much effort or money into it, so let it keep growing and see how it turns out. you should get a few ounces out of it. at the least, you should have fun with it and learn from it.
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