7 foot plant stolen.....

Well yeah. Between the hours of 6pm thursday night and 6pm last night, somebody hacked my only outdoor plant. She was 7 feet tall about with around 4 ounces of bud already on her. i came back that night greeted by the stem and botttom to branches of my plant.

Im pretty sure it was one of my younger brothers friends.. how could i figure out which one of them stole it? they cant drive, only some have siblings that cann..


Well-Known Member
sorry for ur loss man but dude one of them is gunna spill the bean about having some "bomb bud" once u hear that ur brothers friends have weed u need to investigate!...be sneeky about it though,ask them if they wanna match up and when u see there bud and if u think its from ur plant then start questioning them about it! dont come off as an asshole though cause that wont get u anywhere!..but once u have 100% proof that this fool is smoking ur hard work then u need to bitch slap his ass and put a 45 to his face! "dont shoot anyone" lol...but just to scare the fuck out of him and make him tell u where the rest of it is and who exactly had somthing to do with it!....dont question ur brother about it cause he'll just tell his buddys if he did have somthing to do with it!..just tell ur brother someone stole ur crop and u have no clue who it is! i hope u get ur shit back man,good luck!


Well-Known Member
oh yah btw, if ur brother did have somthing to do with it... i would beat his ass and teach him a lesson! dont break his nose or anything,but a black eye or 2 and a swallon cheek will def. teach him not to fuck with ur stash!...and another thing,when ur growing outdoors, DONT TELL ANYONE WHERE UR SPOT IS!


RIU Bulldog
If you can find out who did it, I say revenge is in order. Think like a mastermind, get them back but dont get caught and dont let it ever come back to you


Well-Known Member
Well I hope this wasn't unexpected to you, your brother's friends shouldn't have known about it in the first place. You're lucky they stole it and not just called the cops on you.

I hope you find the little brat and fuck him up, best of luck.


Active Member
How close were you to finishing..... Is the bud even worth what it could have been. Who ever stole it is stupid because they probally dont know when to harvest and how to care for it after harvest. Back when i was about 14 i had some hoodlum friends who knew about a patch of weed in a neighbors yard and they all hopped the fence and stole it without a moments hesitation or planning. Turns out it was all immature and they put it strait into plastic baggies, hid most of it in a public place all of which got lost, and what they did keep got moldy, at least they were smart enough to not smoke mold. Basically at least you know they're probally not able to enjoy all of your hard earned bud to its fullest potential. If i were you id invest in some lights and get your shit indoors. Sorry for your loss dude
How close were you to finishing..... Is the bud even worth what it could have been. Who ever stole it is stupid because they probally dont know when to harvest and how to care for it after harvest. Back when i was about 14 i had some hoodlum friends who knew about a patch of weed in a neighbors yard and they all hopped the fence and stole it without a moments hesitation or planning. Turns out it was all immature and they put it strait into plastic baggies, hid most of it in a public place all of which got lost, and what they did keep got moldy, at least they were smart enough to not smoke mold. Basically at least you know they're probally not able to enjoy all of your hard earned bud to its fullest potential. If i were you id invest in some lights and get your shit indoors. Sorry for your loss dude
yeah thats what i was thinking, the plant would have yielded 5x more both the potency and weight in late ocotober. whover it was is major dumb ass and a huge asshole. god im so pissed but like the first guy said, when theres bud floating around im gunna figure out.


New Member
You said it was your only outdoor plant does that mean u have some indoors and if so better be expecting them to break in and steal those too and your brother shouldnt have known no one should know but at least they stole your plant instead of snitching and cops taking plant and you

Well yeah. Between the hours of 6pm thursday night and 6pm last night, somebody hacked my only outdoor plant. She was 7 feet tall about with around 4 ounces of bud already on her. i came back that night greeted by the stem and botttom to branches of my plant.

Im pretty sure it was one of my younger brothers friends.. how could i figure out which one of them stole it? they cant drive, only some have siblings that cann..


Well-Known Member
id ask one of them if they could get some bud for u , pay for it even and once they give you your premature buds, kick their asses


Well-Known Member
if you think you might no someone one here

dont call them out on it ,

just send them a p.m ,

i would hate for someone to be calling me out by my true name on here...:peace:


New Member
what he said
Pm that kind of stuff not post on open forum

if you think you might no someone one here

dont call them out on it ,

just send them a p.m ,

i would hate for someone to be calling me out by my true name on here...:peace:


Well-Known Member
if you think you might no someone one here

dont call them out on it ,

just send them a p.m ,

i would hate for someone to be calling me out by my true name on here...:peace:
Alright, mind editing your post also? lol, you quoted me.

I think I might know him because the same thing happened to one of my friends a few days ago and same story basically