I knew that you can grow a tree with a bicycle led lamp front light ..
(Ok ...
along with the red backlight ..

Next time you'll go hunting ...
Don't shoot at the poor wild boars ...
Try killing one with your nails ,brother ...
If you don't manage to strike a fatal wound ...
Doesn't matter ..Let it go...
Few kilometers down the trail ,
I bet ya' yo'll find it dead ...
From blood infection ...
(I'm just teasing you brother ...
I know that it's nearly impossible to cut those ,with any available tool out there ...
Do they wear off easy at least ?
Edit: Mi Paps have same quality of a nail in both his small fingers ..
Though way longer than yours ....
He utilises them as :
-Flat Screwdrivers ( #3-5 )
-Tooth cleaning tools ...toothnails...
-Ear wax cleaning ..spades ....Amphidextrous...
-Scratching devices
-Deep nose cleaning devices...
-And who knows for what else ....
He doesn't hunt ..He is a maniac fisherman...
Maybe he uses these nails to pluck-out the eyes of octopuses..
-That's the way they stay....peaceful inside the boat ...-
What a patent ...
-Hey paps, you just have to cut those nails ,before you injure somebody ...
-You know what ?
Who the heck needs a Swiss Army knife,when you can just grow one in your small finger ...
Or even have two .....Or more ....)
From where did you salvage that tank ?
Does it have any archaeological value ?
Looks like Egyptian ...From some Pharaoh Dynasty or something....