7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?


Just curious at how close to harvest I am. These have been flowering for 7 weeks under a 250w HPS.



Active Member
It could just be me but those look predominantly sativa. If that's the case I would let it bulk up quite a bit before I chop. If that's seven weeks then you either have a couple more weeks to go, or this plant is going to take a while longer to finish. How are the trich's looking?

And the seven weeks, was that from your first sign of flowering, or from when you switched the lights? I'm asking this because I'm still flowering a bbxnl mother even though i harvested two other plants three weeks ago (that were all put into flowering the same day and stage of growth), and I think I'm going to let her go another week or so, the buds are starting to turn a beautiful shade of indigo that I would've never seen had I harvested any earlier. Your genetics full potential come out in the last two weeks of flowering; If I were you I'd start flushing and harvest when they're perfect and use up as much of the nutes as possible.

Good luck and take it easy!


Do you have an idea of the strain? the internode spacing you've got going on there is pretty epic.
It's from bagseed, so not sure on that.

It's 7 weeks since I changed the lights. They showed sex probably a week after. I'm really on week 8 now, those pictures are about a week old. I'll try to get a camera to take more later tonight.


Nole Use this as your guide to harvesting:

All your pistils still look premature. Your plant looks like it has some fattening up to do.
If you wait longer You will be very pleased with the outcome.
This is the time in your plants life where she gains weight.
The link didn't work for me. Said page was unavailable. Any guess to what I would yeild after dry? These plants are all about 30 in. tall.


Well-Known Member
Those buds are nowhere near close right now. In fact those arnt even buds. You've got a nice wait ahead of you.

Hell Ive got seeds that are supposed to be done in 60-70, going on day 80 and still not done.


Well-Known Member
Just my take, but as others have pointed out...the flowers have some fattening to do yet. The plants will stop any upward growth and then the buds will swell. Lots of crystals so far and that is good. A bit of nute burn too, better to be under nuted than over. Does your set up have any light coming in from the sides? A few well placed CFL's would help you realize a little more on the lower areas.


Well-Known Member
Just my take, but as others have pointed out...the flowers have some fattening to do yet. The plants will stop any upward growth and then the buds will swell. Lots of crystals so far and that is good. A bit of nute burn too, better to be under nuted than over. Does your set up have any light coming in from the sides? A few well placed CFL's would help you realize a little more on the lower areas.
you are going to need more time 3 weeks atleast. they are not fat yet.


Well-Known Member
your in about the 7th week then.. and i'd say atleast 10-11 weeks for that strain.. maybe 12... especailly under a 250