Hummm,, well thats all bang on as you know , so maybe it is the stage and not a response to your input.....or the light, still im sure it will smoke up nice when you chop her down.
Im kinda just spitballing here but it couldnt be an iron def. could it..?
iron def are common when pH is above 6.5, and may appear during stressful time and disappear by themselves, i dont know how, young leaves are unable to draw immoble iron from older ones even though it is present in the soil, but then iron def start at the leaf apex and not the tip,,, so maybe its not that,
zinc maybe, as younger leaves start show signs first, leaf tips and later margins discolor and burn, which kinda look like your pic, also leaf tips discolor and turn dark and die back, but then since your ph is below 7 it probly isnt that,.... Sorry im not really helping, i just went and had a read of my book to get that info....