7 weeks of flowering MUST harvest


Well-Known Member
way too much nitrogen... the leaves have the claw effect,, .. And overwatered..

look at all them white hairs..

you have a while bro..


Well-Known Member
why not give it to a friend?? split the harvest with them? is that an option? cause it sounds like a way better idea to me..

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
turn it into bubble hash, iso hash oil or brownies

bubble hash is probably your best bet if you can get the bags in time
my only other option is to take the plant home with me and leave it at my girlfriends house, which is perfectly fine but its a 4 hour drive home and its a lil sketchy driving with a plant


Well-Known Member
fuck dude, do that.. take time and make a nice set up in ur trunk so its secure.. cops have absolutely no reason to search ur trunk unless you have something illegal in ur cab.. but either way cops cant search ur car without probable cause.. dont waste all ur time and effort...
i think i may just have to risk it cuz its alot of time and effort put in. i will just roll down the windows and sunroof and go on a nice roadtrip with my ol lady


Well-Known Member
ill put it to you this way.. if u harvest now ull be lucky to get an 1/8 dry of not very potent bud... if u give it 3-4 more weeks, and double the light if possible, u can get a good 1/2 oz off it min. of some potent good ass bud that YOU grew..


Well-Known Member
That was going to be my advise. If you have to move out friday, get the plant somewhere else that is secure. Even if you have to put the thing outdoors somewhere to let it finish. I don't know your situation well enough to give you the best advice. There is absolutey nothing you can do to improve the harvest before you leave. You need to get that plant somewhere else. Do you know any wooded areas near your home? Or is your girlfriend willing to take it then do that. If you absolutely have to harvest it then use it as mash and make some bubble hash out of it like Ian said. Smoking the actual buds off that will do hardly anything for you. Try to concentrate it as much as possible and make some hash man. If you have a good place to take it to let it finish and are willing to risk it then do that. If I were you I'd drop it off at a good spot outside near your home and let it finish. Its not even close to being done.
i can take it somewhere and continue to grow it but thats a four hour drive from where i live now with a plant in the backseat lol i think im willing to risk it because i have already done the drive many times with a few ounces to a qp. i would like to make my time worth something and smoke some close to decent bud that i fathered


Well-Known Member
Dude wtf are you talking about.... Heh whenever i see stuff like this its always just impatients and screams "rookie"
My best friend comes up with the craziest reasons to cut down his immature plants. He always sells/gives/smokes his weed up before it even makes it 30 days in the jar then will call me with some stupid reason "hey man, I should just go ahead and cut this one shouldnt I because blah blah blah".

Of course, I used to help him out and hook him up when he ran out, but I quit that several years ago. If he wants to burn through his shit like he has an endless supply he can deal with being out for 2 months while waiting on his next harvest.
i wouldnt mind the head high lol. i only flushed the plant once a few days ago and she has been drying out since.she has been healthy the whole grow but seemed to be depressed or something the past week and is now slowly committing suicide. this is a few pics from about 3 or 4 days ago but her leaves have become worse looking since
WTF is that