70 Degrees 41% humdity. Good Dry?


I harvested my bubba kush last night. 1 plant under 150 hps 138 cfl. pulled just over 4oz wet. went 67 days in flower.

Now she is hanging to dry. mostl;y been broke down to smaller buds and and strung on some fishing line. They are in my grow tent with the exhaust fan on and 6" oscilating fan on. Temp stays at 70 f and humidity bounces bwtween 40 and 42 staying mostly at 41.

Are they good drying conditions? And would a 3 day hang suffice before a 7 day mininum cure?

Thanks for all the helpo ion advance!


Well-Known Member
im sorry bud, but you are gonna humidity around 60-70, yuor gonna want to dry for about 7 days, and jar at least a few weeks. i cant imagine a 3day + 7day would do much. and 40% but dry it so fast that it has bad effects on the flavor.



Misguided Angel
I don't like to get humidity any higher than 55-60%, the risk of mold becomes greater. i usually range in between 40-55 and that is just fine.


Active Member
70* f and 40% rh is pretty good keep.air moving but not on flowers very gently not like when growing just moving. If anything drop temp 5 or raise rh 5 but ur in range for a 5-8 day hang then jar and burp as needed.


Well-Known Member
If you hadn't removed from the stem you might be better off. The fact you have removed from stem means they will dry faster. I would suspect you will dry too quickly as is...