70 Watt HPS??


Active Member
Hey Everyone!! Thanks for taking the time to read my thread... I am kinda new to this forum and been reading and i like a lot of stuff on here so i thought id post my question here, so here it goes... I was thinking about growing ONE plant in my closet in a 5gallon bucket wit soil and i was wondering if i could use a 70 Watt HPS for the grow an flowering??? any pointers or info anything would be nice.. well Thanks an :leaf:Stay High:leaf:....


Well-Known Member
Better off with CFLs. At that low wattage you will have lower heat and more lumen with the CFLs. HPS really excel around 600w.


Well-Known Member
what's the space in that closet? thats what determines what light you need, not the plant numbers
if you go with cfls stay between 26 and 42 actual watts not equivalent watts. you will need 6500 k (k=kelven witch is the color temp of light) for veg and 2700 k for flower and for one plant you want at least 6 at the min but thats just my opinion its not right or wrong its what works for me you need to keep them as close as you can at least a inch or two from the top if you have any questions about cfls feel free to ask and riu has a good cfl thred
hope i helped any peace
and be safe