7000 sq ft warehouse

I have ran t5, 1000 etc. maybe you need to learn how to grow because my plants are monsters in the veg.

lol snaps, I never new that there was so many people that have negative things to say about people and the experience levels. Is this form for like minds to gather and share creative ideas and experiences? Or is it here to criticize people for asking questions? I talked to my partners and we would like to pay/consult when we are ready.
SOOOO kinda like the preceding post? Like that type of negativity about people and their experience level?

if it's good for the goose...... I mean that was how you introduced yourself to our forum correct?
I am very sure the investors have done their homework.
you never know snaps. Stranger things have happened around here.
How do you break it down?


Honestly I'm probably speaking from a point of no experience but I don't really want to see weed become just another commodity. It will be PepsiCo'd and Starbucks to death like every other thing the free market touches.

Feel free to.make money on what I thought was a community website though. Gotta make them dollars.

Edit : and yes I realise how stupid it is berating the very person who could prob help with my issue but I don't think I can afford your price per word.

Honestly I'm probably speaking from a point of no experience but I don't really want to see weed become just another commodity. It will be PepsiCo'd and Starbucks to death like every other thing the free market touches.

Feel free to.make money on what I thought was a community website though. Gotta make them dollars.

You built your grow buying your equipment with pounds?

Nothing in life is free except herpes and the like.
Maybe the investors don't want to pay for Michael Jordan when they can learn with a young Kobe. Do you fork out a lot of money now to jump right in full force or do you get someone with the know how on growing and grow the business with them? There's more money to be made if you take the cheaper route. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. If there really is investors then they are going to correct path.
You built your grow buying your equipment with pounds?

Nothing in life is free except herpes and the like.

Lol. Yeah I suppose. I sound like a surly teenager who can't win an argument with his dad but begrudgingly ok I used real money.

Had just finished reading this shitshow of a thread and I think I have prob came away with the wrong impression of you. Apologies man.
Lol. Yeah I suppose. I sound like a surly teenager who can't win an argument with his dad but begrudgingly ok I used real money.

Had just finished reading this shitshow of a thread and I think I have prob came away with the wrong impression of you. Apologies man.

No apology required. Shit shows are entertaining if you don't get too wrapped up in it.

I often seem rude or blunt due to my typing on a samsung galaxy. ;)
Maybe the investors don't want to pay for Michael Jordan when they can learn with a young Kobe. Do you fork out a lot of money now to jump right in full force or do you get someone with the know how on growing and grow the business with them? There's more money to be made if you take the cheaper route. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. If there really is investors then they are going to correct path.
Very respectful statement. I have every intention of keeping this post a shit show on behalf of entertainment. I had no idea that everyone was an expert in commercial growing experience or not they weigh in.