70w hps


Well-Known Member
you could do 10 if you wanted. Jus gotto keep em very low and short, flower them very very young, Just remember the intensity drastically decreases with space from the bulb. I heard for 150w anything 13 inches away is useless. For a 70 watt id imagine 6-10 inches is the farthest you want to get before you start heading down fluffy bud road.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is a question, your going to need more power. The more the better and you can get closer under cfl.


Active Member
will a 70w hps b enough to flower 2 or 3 plants in a cuboard thats 2.5ft x 3ft and 5ft high

No that wont work dude not enough light period.

But there is still hope, shop lights are cheap walmart
($15 after you add in the cost for the bulbs) red spectrum and blue mix them up half and half stand them up vertical to accommodate your space.

Now that you have a local place to get these lights at a great price here is what you will end up with:

3 shop lights banks holding 6 bulbs at 40watts a piece not equivalents!
240W (real watts) of cool energy efficient florescent tubes now you have 310 Watts of flower power

Throw your HPS on top of the space and you can get by.....

But in the meantime Dude veg your plants as long as you can for size nothing but shop lights grew what you see 1 light at fist until they out grew it then I added 2.



Well-Known Member
I bet I could grow 2 oz on a 70 watt HPS light from two plants no probs.

3 plants is pushing it a bit, but Not if you sog em no veg


Well-Known Member
i asked if i could use a 70w hps and a few people said it wasent enough so i got a 250w instead.this is my first grow and i like as much weed as possible cause i'm sick of buying shit from idiots so if i kept my plants small the weed i got of them wouldnt b enough to keep me going for 12-14 weeks.i've still got the 70w but my cuboard isent really big enough so i was gunna make a box.i've got loads of ideas and info of this site.cheers