8.8 quake hits Chile,Pacific tsunami warning!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Here's a map of the world's tectonic plates. Haiti lines up pretty well with Chile. From the map, Chile is a lot closer to a fault line than Haiti, so that probably explains the stronger quake.But I'm no scientist, so feel free to correct me.



Well-Known Member
there was also a 7.0 in japan and argentina got a 6.3 aftershock. theres also talk of some volcanoes now erupting and then of course the tsunami warnings. its a rough start to the year...but im reading that theres nothing unusual about these quakes. everything is pretty normal.


Well-Known Member
you know whats interesting...a psychic made predictions about issues in hawaii. he's made a series of predictions the last couple years and 2 of his predictions for 2010 were that this would be the year of the earthquake and that hawaii (he also mentions jamaica in this section too) would see some sort of tropical storm, and perhaps other issues there too. its interesting to say the least, even if you think psychics are full of shit. i typically do, but he seems to be more accurate than some of the others. http://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1410146565


yeah im pretty sure the pacific coast is going to be just fine :roll:

the islands are the only ones who need to worry


Well-Known Member
Yea there saying Hawaii is supposed to be hit the hardest,They evacuated 100,000 people I hope the Dr.'s all good I know he lives over there.


Well-Known Member
damn thing is running late. it better hurry up, i'm wasting my whole day sitting here watching this.


Well-Known Member
hahaha I dont think the seadoo will be able to handle it.I think you better get out of there.
j/k I think Cali should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Thats crazy,Got any pics of it?
There saying that Hawaii should be fine now there just giving it another hour before they say its all clear.


Well-Known Member
i sincerely hope that the small waves people are seeing are the worst of it. i really do. but i also worry that it could be just the beginning. i wouldnt want them to clear the warning and then later on have a big problem :(


Well-Known Member
yeah even the noaa warning said that the first few waves may be small followed by a larger waves.


Well-Known Member
That would be pretty wild to hop on that wave somewhere in the ocean and ride it all the way in. Hours of surfing on one wave!


Global Moderator
Staff member
the islands are the only ones who need to worry
I'm sitting on the second largest island in the US & hoping Hawaii was a taste of what we're in for. Trouble is our average water depth is much less than Hawaii which magnifies things exponentially. And to boot we are facing directly at it. Damn.
We'll see.