8 Days from seed

Thanks for the tips yall i appreciate it, they all seem to be doing good except 5 of the six appear to be stunted, one of them Has really live looking big three finger leaves and the others are tiny im assuming its because of the.medium i used, heres to hopeing they will catch up. Are there any stores u can buy perlite in or do u have to order it online? Correct me if im wrong here but basically i wanna mix perlite with my soil to get good drainage correct? This helps with root development which leads to bigger growth up top?


Well-Known Member
any updated pics? its so much easier to give advice.

and yes your soil needs alot of perlite. mix about 30% into your soil.


Well-Known Member
Perlite will not absorb water and it's light. Adding some will aid in drainage by effectively reducing the surface area within the soil while keeping it light and fluffy to reduce the tendency to compact after watering.

Vermeculite looks similar however it will absorb water. This would be great from something like a spider plant or colocasia that loves a moist soil, not great for cannabis.

Your plants look like their doing pretty well mine aren't much better than yours with 4 days more growth. They take their time right now while they are developing a root structure and leaves. In a week or two they should start growing surprisingly quick
NOt to start an argument, but vermiculite Is actually a superior aeration product than perlite, better CEC rate and it promotes more microbial life, biochar, volcanic rock, pumice, and vermiculite all do that rather well.
Vermiculite is some good stuff.
Coupled with a good organic soil recipe and it's WAY better than perlite.