8 liberty haze germed on 1st July please advise


New Member
1374598299235.jpg1374598272075.jpgHeres a rundown, 8fem barneys farm liberty haze in amazon aero system
T5 lighting 30cm to 40cm above tops
Running the pump periodically but not on a timer, old fasion plug in then out till I get the roots to reach 10cm then its on 24/7. Recently added nutes to the rez. Hesi grow at 80% recommended amount. Ph at 5.9 EC 1.2 (840 ppm).
Temps have been high in the uk recently so I think that has caused the canoeing of the leaves but is the yellowing nute burn or cal/mag def or something else???!!!


I have some liberty haze on atm. do yourself a favour and chop em out and throw them away. Shit weed that wont flower. but don't take my word for it, have a good search about. Get ready for a 4 month flower.. Btw i grow my bud properly I'm not some idiot growing in a cardboard box or under the stairs. Liberty haze = shit weed. Trust me. Im in the uk too and none of mine have that canoeing of leaves so I'm thinking hour nutes are too high but don't worry a couple weeks and it will correct itself. Or you could flush up to you.