8 Light LED Organic Run


Well-Known Member
Peace! Somewhat long time member here. I have decided to start a journal. I haven't in the past because I only wanted to post it in organics and I wasn't sure if that was ok. So here's the rundown of my op. 8 LED bar style lights(700watts I think), 3 ton(3 head) mini split, trolmaster controllers(looking to change that asap), large dehu(not big enough and plan to add another), couple humidifiers, and will be adding some HAV fans soon. The room is completely sealed with no air being exchanged. I supplement with CO2. Standard ceiling height. I just finished up my second run in the room and I'm preparing for my 3rd. First couple of runs went ok. Quality has been good however I know I can do much better. The two biggest problems were leaf spot mold and high sodium levels in my soil(sodium was just the second run and most likely my fault...didnt keep pot properly moist in between 1-2 runs). There are 32 20-gals Grassroots fabric pots(4 per light). They were started with BuildASoil(I just say BAS) 3.0 soil. Because of my high sodium levels before last run I had to flush for what seemed like forever until runoff sodium levels were in range. Long story short bills kicked my ass during that time and I ran out of money for products for the plants. Soil did ok however there were major nutrient deficiencies(some pots worst that others). This run I will be much more prepared.
At moment I have am vegging in a 5x5 tent under LED(40%) while I dry last harvest in the flowering room. I'm also waiting to perform soil test on the 20 gal pots and reammend accordingly. Strains I will be running are
8 White Runtz
8 Gary Payton
8 Sour
8 Oreoz
I ran all of these last time and I would like another run with them to see if I can bring them to their full potential. The 32 in the veg tent are mostly in 1 gal Radical bags with the exception of the 8 white runtz which are in 2 gal smart pots cuz I ran out of radicle bags. I transplanted them from solo cups about 10 days ago. They are in BAS light soil. At transplant topdressed lightly with Cowoco vermicompost, Oly compost, Optiveg, Rootwise MC, and Kashi blend. They also got dunked in a Rootwise MC solution at transplant. In the past 10 days they have gotten:
AACT of compost, molleseses, and Radiant Green from DragonflyEarthMedicine

Watered once with Qullaja, micro nutes w/ humic acid(Big 6), rootwise MC+EE, fish hydrolysate, couple ferments

Top dressed once with milled Gnarly Barley

Foliar twice with Agsil16, Sea90/Kelp

Foliar Twice with Em5
April 6
April 10IMG_20220410_150706.jpg
April 10IMG_20220412_160106.jpg
April 12IMG_20220412_174924.jpgIMG_20220412_175005.jpg
I will add more as time goes on including when I bring these to the flowering room, pics from last runs, and some finished flower pics. I am making this journal because I love this community(esp on RIU) and figure it's time to share. Also I look forward to constructive criticism. A grower I highly respect says that I am a "garden tweaker" cuz I use a bunch of things. I somewhat agree and would like to dial in what is working and what is not. So please feel free to critique. Just know I love to ask questions and sometimes debate. Data and information are my drugs of choice. I will also be explain my 'regimen' exactly in the next few post. Hopefully I didnt ramble too much here. Anyways look forward to bringing you guys and gals along for this next run. Happy farming!


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