8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Brick Top

New Member
is there a limited amount of watts I can use? or could I just hook up 15 bulbs in circles up there? without blowing fuses or w/e would happen to break if I were to put to many bulbs up there? BrickTOp, I need ya, chap

You can add as many lights of whatever type that you want and have the funds to use to purchase them as long as you have the amperage running to your room to power them all. If you go beyond what the fuse on your circuit can handle, out goes the lights. If you have the needed 'juice' running to your room you can light up your plants brighter than Little Boy and Fat Man lit up Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Well-Known Member
is there a limited amount of watts I can use? or could I just hook up 15 bulbs in circles up there? without blowing fuses or w/e would happen to break if I were to put to many bulbs up there? BrickTOp, I need ya, chap
before Brick googles your answer and pastes it here I'll answer that. The minimum is 1500 watts (you might have a 20 amp breaker and could go over 2000 watts)
I'm assuming you got 23 watt bulbs so you could put about 50 of them in there.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
hell yeah taf, grow on dude!!
dude...are you part of this conspiracy????? or are you seriouly believing this guy???? youre way too positive for an obvious epic fail, the dude wont even buy a fuckin timer, or a god damn drop light...yet he still gets rep??? i would surely expect more honesty from some one with so many posts...peace.........

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Seeing the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Yogi and Boo Boo bear picnic basket, the chandelier lighting and reading about "sexy" seedlings and "sexy" this and "sexy" that and reading the incredibly astonishing things they guys says is beyond painful ... it is like coming up on a horrible wreck on the highway or watching a baby drown. You don't want to see it, but still you just can't turn and look the other way either and avoid seeing what you know you really don't want to see.
whats up Brick.....youre so right!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
dude...are you part of this conspiracy????? or are you seriouly believing this guy???? youre way too positive for an obvious epic fail, the dude wont even buy a fuckin timer, or a god damn drop light...yet he still gets rep??? i would surely expect more honesty from some one with so many posts...peace.........
like 300rep in dis bitch, na meanz

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
My plants look like Palm trees on the Miami strip.

I thought that 100% of the people here would think this way when I made this thread. I always believed that people who smoked weed were a lot more chill and supportive type. but there are is a very small percentage of people here that have any type of common sense and must be smoking steroids with all the rage.
a VERY small percentage....huh taf?


Well-Known Member
before Brick googles your answer and pastes it here I'll answer that. The minimum is 1500 watts (you might have a 20 amp breaker and could go over 2000 watts)
I'm assuming you got 23 watt bulbs so you could put about 50 of them in there.

shit yea.............

Brick Top

New Member
before Brick googles your answer and pastes it here I'll answer that. The minimum is 1500 watts (you might have a 20 amp breaker and could go over 2000 watts)
I'm assuming you got 23 watt bulbs so you could put about 50 of them in there.
before Brick googles your answer and pastes it here I'll answer that. The minimum is 1500 watts (you might have a 20 amp breaker and could go over 2000 watts)
I'm assuming you got 23 watt bulbs so you could put about 50 of them in there.
damn, too late

Go ahead and Google all night long farmboy or fagboi, or whatever the username you went back to using again is, though more accurately it should be trollboy, but you won't find what I replied with anywhere on the net.


Active Member
Go ahead and Google all night long farmboy or fagboi, or whatever the username you went back to using again is, though more accurately it should be trollboy, but you won't find what I replied with anywhere on the net.
Well, yeah technically, now he can.


Well-Known Member
You can add as many lights of whatever type that you want and have the funds to use to purchase them as long as you have the amperage running to your room to power them all. If you go beyond what the fuse on your circuit can handle, out goes the lights. If you have the needed 'juice' running to your room you can light up your plants brighter than Little Boy and Fat Man lit up Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Bricktopstradamus, I have never given respect before, I've always been General. but you are a boss....

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
anyone who calls someone an "ignorant homosexual teenager" has no real point of view even worth considering. Ideas such as those will be flushed soon enough. Even as to call someone a moron is wrong. Judge not before you judge yourself. Are you a homosexual teenager just trying to ease your way out of the closet? If you are its really ok. Love has no boundries and i think gays are awesome. Heck id be gay if i wasnt straight.

But seriously kid, dude, man, whatever. Gtfo
damn....who made you god of the internet.
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