8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
Try coming up with "Evidential Contradictions" do your research before you post, because you guys are just lost in your egos.

and to say that plants don't need oxygen... that could be worse than what djruiner has said about everything he's said, including him talking about education while spelling his whole paragraph wrong

Brick Top

New Member
If I recall... you are all dumb, I can prove this point all day.

I am still waiting for your answer Mr. Wizard. Why haven't you answered my question since you so inaccurately claimed you knew more about growing than I do and as you said above; "If I recall... you are all dumb, I can prove this point all day."

OK .. prove it you pitiful lying punk, prove that you did not just LIE AGAIN when you inaccurately claimed you; "apparently know more than" I do .... list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants.

Go for it Laffy Taffy ... we could all use ANOTHER BIG BELLY LAUGH AT YOUR EXPENSE!

You do realize that not answering the question will be admitting that you do not have the slightest clue of what the answer is .. so you might as well take a stab at it. When you fail you will not look any more ignorant than you will prove yourself too be by ignoring the question.

After all, you really do want to prove that you have learned more about growing in roughly one month than I have in almost 39 years of growing, right? Here's your chance .... given the number of words in the answer it should take you less than two minutes at the 100 words per minute you stated you can type .. well, let's say three minutes just to give you a little extra time to correct spelling errors and to pause long enough to pick your nose.


Well-Known Member
still typing too much, can you answer yourself to the point please. use marketing skills and maybe bullets/brackets to not make it look like a pointless novel

Brick Top

New Member
Try coming up with "Evidential Contradictions" do your research before you post, because you guys are just lost in your egos.

and to say that plants don't need oxygen... that could be worse than what djruiner has said about everything he's said, including him talking about education while spelling his whole paragraph wrong
I am not saying plants do not use oxygen, but Mr. Wizard, how about you explaining to us how and for what purpose plants use oxygen?

Being the horticulturalist that you are that should be like child's play for you.

Brick Top

New Member
still typing too much, can you answer yourself to the point please. use marketing skills and maybe bullets/brackets to not make it look like a pointless novel
The question will not go away because you inaccurately claimed you have learned and now know more about growing in your roughly one month of growing than I have learned in my nearly 39 years of growing ... so ignoring it won't save you ... so that means you might as well answer it Mr. Wizard.

I am still waiting for your answer Mr. Wizard. Why haven't you answered my question since you so inaccurately claimed you knew more about growing than I do and as you said above; "If I recall... you are all dumb, I can prove this point all day."

OK .. prove it you pitiful lying punk, prove that you did not just LIE AGAIN when you inaccurately claimed you; "apparently know more than" I do .... list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants.

Go for it Laffy Taffy ... we could all use ANOTHER BIG BELLY LAUGH AT YOUR EXPENSE!

You do realize that not answering the question will be admitting that you do not have the slightest clue of what the answer is .. so you might as well take a stab at it. When you fail you will not look any more ignorant than you will prove yourself too be by ignoring the question.

After all, you really do want to prove that you have learned more about growing in roughly one month than I have in almost 39 years of growing, right? Here's your chance .... given the number of words in the answer it should take you less than two minutes at the 100 words per minute you stated you can type .. well, let's say three minutes just to give you a little extra time to correct spelling errors and to pause long enough to pick your nose.


Well-Known Member
Try coming up with "Evidential Contradictions" do your research before you post, because you guys are just lost in your egos.

and to say that plants don't need oxygen... that could be worse than what djruiner has said about everything he's said, including him talking about education while spelling his whole paragraph wrong

Just today, I got this.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before

No Drama the drama queen - Hey Taffy, Leaves don't breathe oxygen, they use Carbon Dioxide and exhale oxygen.


Soap bars don't do much for plants unless you are trying to get them clean...snicker...snicker.....snicker.

Oh and overwatered plants generally tend to look wilted


Well-Known Member
Try coming up with "Evidential Contradictions" do your research before you post, because you guys are just lost in your egos.

and to say that plants don't need oxygen... that could be worse than what djruiner has said about everything he's said, including him talking about education while spelling his whole paragraph wrong
other than posting pics to further make you look like a complete fucking retard...this will be my last post here.....first off...you have no concept of reality...i could care less about your shitty grow that your basing your life on...don't care...we all know they will die soon and you will lie about that...im addressing you...you mis-quote everything anyone says...you go back and change your posts after 2-3 new pages come in so you look like your the victim....your on your first grow and think your a better grower then anyone on here...now cockboy..do me a favor...find one other person on this site...or any site that is growing 8 plants in a picnic basket...i fucking promise you wont find one...why...because its fucking retarded...aside from you not taking the simple advice your getting...your trying out things that have no scientific backup for it...we all have posted many many things using science to prove you wrong...and you dismiss it...you have serious mental health issues...the list of your flaws can go on and on...pathological,narcissistic,delusional...you need serious help...and now ill get the same lame response...you will mis-quote me...and go back and change your post later on to try and make me look like the bad guy so new people on your thread think your the victim...you need to get a grip on reality...take the job application you have for burger king (used as a light reflector)...fill it out...call the manager..and beg for a job because your never gonna make a dime from growing weed..and the military will never let you in because you would fail the psych test.......and on a final note...take this shit to grasscity..you will fit in there....and on a final final note...let me guess..didn't read my post either..too much for your brain to comprehend...BIG WORDS MAKE TAF BRAIN FEEL FLOATY


Well-Known Member
holy novels. not going there, you guys had your chances. you can still make up for it. but it's obviously personal for all of you.

I understand that distilled water is the only type of water allowed and that you can't grow multiple plants together and that growing in a party cup is impossible and plants don't need oxygen to live.......

reductio ad absurdum for you

Brick Top

New Member
Just today, I got this.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic
First off, you have resorted to LYING again. I said snow ... not water ... SNOW ... and that was correct and it was supported with the findings of a college research department that tested snow all over the world and even at every level of Mt. Everest, as remote as it is, they performed tests on snow and the soil underneath by taking core drillings and at every single level of altitude and at every site the level of toxins were higher than acceptable EPA standards for the U.S.

But of course you REFUSED to accept the proven data and of course you just had to LIE and add water to what I said, even though I never said water.

and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before
Again you have resorted to LYING because you are incapable of replying with facts. I have corrected your above LIE in the last page or two and gave corrected you by clearly stating what I said. Go back a page or two and read it.

No Drama the drama queen - Hey Taffy, Leaves don't breathe oxygen, they use Carbon Dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Wiki is the WORST possible source for factual proof you could ever pick to use to support any claim, about growing or otherwise. Roughly two years ago now a PhD who had written several books made a Wiki page about himself. In less than one year every single thing he said about himself and what he wrote, that was all 100% accurate, had been edited out and other inaccurate information had been put in it's place.

In the future I would suggest that you should rely on a source that is credible.

Yes, plants do use oxygen, but why don't you tell us how and why they use it Mr. Wizard? Since you do not know the answer I would strongly suggest that you Google a credible source this time rather than one that can be edited by morons and liars.


Well-Known Member
1st off your science on the snow is invalid as it doesn't pertain to this situation and you are talking non-sense. there are multiple people on this site with successful snow watering grows on a consistent level, Thank you. WIPE that off your faggot list

2nd You said those things, if you corrected yourself you should be apologizing to me for being right.

3rd I'm guessing the last part if for you friend, No Drama.


Well-Known Member
now that you've corrected yourself on a few things there is nothing that comes up in my mind... I'd have to look at this thread (which I would never consider doing ever in my life)

Apologize to me? or you can just leave, or you can be a coward and keep trying to fight.

Brick Top

New Member
1st off your science on the snow is invalid as it doesn't pertain to this situation and you are talking non-sense. there are multiple people on this site with successful snow watering grows on a consistent level, Thank you. WIPE that off your faggot list

That is yet another of your desperate LIES you rely on hoping that you will be able to blow enough smoke to hide behind so you are not seen for precisely what you are, a lying ignoramus

2nd You said those things, if you corrected yourself you should be apologizing to me for being right.
No, but you just proved that among all the other cognitive functions you lack you also lack reading comprehension skills. I said I corrected YOU, I CORRECTED YOUR LIES by restating what I had actually said which was totally different than the lies you made up and since used and claimed I said

3rd I'm guessing the last part if for you friend, No Drama.

If you meant where I said plants do use oxygen, well that was not directed at anyone other than you and it was, as I clearly stated, Wiki is the WORST possible source for factual proof you could ever pick to use to support any claim, about growing or otherwise. Roughly two years ago now a PhD who had written several books made a Wiki page about himself. In less than one year every single thing he said about himself and what he wrote, that was all 100% accurate, had been edited out and other inaccurate information had been put in it's place.

In the future I would suggest that you should rely on a source that is credible.

Yes, plants do use oxygen, but why don't you tell us how and why they use it Mr. Wizard? Since you do not know the answer I would strongly suggest that you Google a credible source this time rather than one that can be edited by morons and liars.

So Mr. Wizard ... will you be explaining how and why plants use oxygen before or after you tell us all what the list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants is that I have repeatedly asked you to tell us since you even so inaccurately claimed that in your roughly one month of growing you have learned more than I have in my nearly 39 years of growing?

Which question will you answer first Mr. Wizard? Or will you continue to use sources that are not credible for the one about oxygen use by plants and continue to ignore my question, which I would bet bot my nuts that you have absolutely no clue about or ever in your entire life heard of any of the groups of things I asked you about let alone what substances make up those groups?

So .. will you continue to showcase your ignorance and keep it under a magnifying glass by ignoring my question or will you make a complete and utter fool of yourself by attempting to answer it and being incorrect?


Well-Known Member
How about before keeping on your piece of shit forum life, doing research.

1st you didn't research, just talking out your childish ass again

2nd what

3rd that was all said by drama, not me. talk to your loser forum friend.

You just went nowhere again.... I'm expecting a post about your childhood next and maybe a novel about nothing that I probably won't read if it's too long.
just give up and apologize.

MULTIPLE CASES of snow watering.

MULTIPLE CASES of party cup plants


you are 0-3

and still trying to argue and saying that I'm lying, You are the google master. don't fuck with me, guy. I've been shitting on you all month. I actually started to respect you for a minute until you slipped up and revealed a bit of retardation.

Brick Top

New Member
or you can be a coward and keep trying to fight

You are the biggest coward in this entire thread. Fairly early in the thread I asked you a series of very simple questions that any beginner grower would know the answers to because I hoped to learn enough from them to be able to offer you more help. You did not know the answers. You were so horrified of attempting to answer them that you asked my why i was asking you questions like a "NASA test." The most simple of questions too you seemed like a test that was so difficult that only NASA would be giving it. So being the coward you are you hid behind snide remarks to attempt to cover your fear of exposing your ignorance.

You claimed that in your roughly one month of growing you have learned more than I have in nearly 39 years of growing, so I again asked you a question, this one a little tougher, but one that had you learned more in your roughly one month of attempting to grow than I learned in my nearly 39 years of growing you could have easily answered in minutes. You have not yet answered. I have asked it repeatedly, and you have made no effort to answer because not only do you not know anything about what I asked you can't find the answer on Wiki, so, like the coward you are, you are attempting to ignore it and hope it just goes away.

Well, we all wish you would just go away .. so why not take the honorable way out and just head on out the door before you have your face rubbed in your ignorance over and over and over and over again .. just as has happened since you began this intentional troll thread?


Well-Known Member
I'm the coward? where are you getting to? I'm here almost everyday defending myself with basic information and then you are getting all upset because " ALL OF your theories have been proven wrong". now you are resorting to calling me a coward? this isn't hard at all.... stop talking out of your ass. and apologize or leave or bring something to the table, maybe enjoy the show. you know you are wrong every time. why are you getting at me?

L. O . L


Active Member
Wow... missed this one.. Looks almost as good as the , "check out my 28oz plant thread" Wish I had Bricktop posting on my thread journal.. Seems like wasted time on this one. i will try to review your input on this Bricktop, just dont have the patience to filter through all the garbage... .. Dont know or care why he;s growing 8plants in a picnic basket... boredom I suppose...Taftbang: have fun with your "Cannaback of Notre dame..."


Well-Known Member
I suppose it was hard to understand on the 1st post of the thread. that it wasn't taken serious or intentional,

oh hey, more OZ VOTES

where I'm at now I'm sure 120 of those people will retract those "All 8 death votes"

and my favorite part is when bricktop posted an E-BOok from amazon and told me to read it when it cost $ .... he got mad

Brick Top

New Member
1st you didn't research, just talking out your childish ass again

You made no reference whatsoever about what statement or topic your above claim was about. In your typical brain dead manner you spewed words without any clear thought process being behind what you typed.

If you meant the snow claim. It was fully supported by a credible source. If you meant anything else you will have to say what it is.

That is what you have been causing people to ask themselves after virtually every post you have made. You never make any sense.

3rd that was all said by drama, not me. talk to your loser forum friend.
1st. Regardless of who initially said what first, I asked you a question. That makes it between you and me. So, will you answer the question about how and why plants use oxygen or will you continue your cowardly lion approach and just hope it goes away?

As to who you called my; "forum friend." No offense to him but I don't know him from Adam's off aunt and I do not consider anyone I only run across online an actual friend, so, again, no offense intended, but he's no friend of mine. He is not my friend like Nutter whatever his name was with you, you know, the guy that agreed with everything you said and had his tongue so far up your ass that the two of you could french kiss.

Whatever happened to him? Did you just decide to stop using that fake account to back up your inane claims or was he real and even he could no longer stomach your typed diarrhea so he bailed on you?

just give up and apologize.

Please explain why you expect me to apologize for me having been correct and for you lying your ass off and being incorrect about 99.96% of the time?

MULTIPLE CASES of snow watering.
Is that proof that snow does not contain toxins and other pollutants? NO!

MULTIPLE CASES of party cup plants
Does that prove that it is the best way to grow or even worth the time too do it? NO!

Multiple cases of major problems, plants lost, major root-bound condition, slow growth, low yields, a waste of time ... so since that is what goes with multiple plants in one container is that proof that it is wise to grow more than one plant per container? NO!

you are 0-3

Buddy, you struck out on the first page of this thread, the game has been over for nearly a month. You are just not intelligent enough to realize that fact.

and still trying to argue and saying that I'm lying,

You have LIED, repeatedly,, and if your above statement was an attempt to claim you have not been LYING ... well, then that is just one more LIE to add to your long list of LIES.

You are the google master.
That is only half correct. I do not need to Google when questions come up because I have researched so many things and bookmarked the sites so I can go back and reference them if and when needed that I only have to click on a bookmark. It is like if you go to a high powered attorney's office they have rows and rows and rows of law books to reference besides what they can access online. No one can keep every single bit of knowledge learned in a long lifetime in their head.

You on the other hand could not explain how plants use oxygen and why so you had to Google and of all the sources that you could pick from you picked the very least credible one of them all.

don't fuck with me, guy. I've been shitting on you all month.
Just like everything else you have said in this thread you got that all wrong. You have been shitting in your own pants all month long.

But I will give you a chance to shit on me, right here, right now. If you can list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants I will apologize to you and I will tell everyone here that you have been correct all along and that I have been totally incorrect in every single thing I have said and that every site I sent you to help you was filled with incorrect information.

All you need to do to get that is use your 100 word per minute typing ability and in what should take you three minutes or less, given the number of words in the answer, and given that as you have claimed, you know more about growing than I do, you should be able to answer that question in, as I said, three minutes or less because if you know as much or more than I do then you have the answer in your head.

Or will you keep playing the cowardly LYING lion and keep trying to tap dance around the question in hopes that you will not reveal your complete and utter ignorance to everyone who is bored enough to be reading this exchange?

You do realize that given the number of times I have asked you to answer that question and the number of times you have attempted to avoid answering it anyone and everyone here already knows that you do not know even one word of the answer, let alone the entire answer. So why not be a man, for the first and only time in your living at home with your mommy and aunt's life and try to be a man and just admit that you do not have even the slightest clue of what the answer is?

I actually started to respect you for a minute until you slipped up and revealed a bit of retardation.
I never respected you. I was torn between thinking that you had to be the most ignorant new grower I have ever run across in my nearly 39 years of growing or that you had to be one of the most experienced trolls I have ever run across in all my years online.

Now I would say it is an even 50/50 mix of you being both.

You have done nothing to earn the respect of anyone here. Some of use attempted to help you, even though what you are doing is sheer insanity, and you rejected our help and you abused us mercilessly. You do not deserve the respect of anyone here. You only deserve their contempt, their disdain.


Well-Known Member
you are the one who won't apologize. I could admit if I was ever wrong.... but how could I be wrong about anything? I simply asked questions and you and your dummy retard friends would say something totally bizarre, I would come back with evidence and proof of counter-theories and opposing results. kill yourself.

Every single thing you've said has been proven against. It's obvious you are speaking out of rage still just because some new guy won't take your advice..... I only take advice from people who know what they are talking about. Sorry Chap. you and your poison snow friends don't fit in this category
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