I noticed that when you quoted me you intentionally left out this bit of my message:
And of course even though Johnny Quid, you and others all said snow is pure the fact that it has been tested as having unsafe levels of both cadmium and arsenic is in your weak mind; "useless facts."
Evidently when you prove someone wrong who does not like to be proven wrong they quote you, leaving out your proof, and claim what they intentionally left out was nothing more than useless facts. At least as weak as your mind is you at least have the minimal amount of needed intelligence to attempt to hide the pertinent facts by not fully quoting my message so you could then attempt to make the false claim that nothing more that; "useless facts" had been presented.
"just stop talking for a bit. then think. then say something. if the next thing you say is a put down. then you are a virgin"
"Melted snow and rain go in the ground. I R GENIUZ
after Winter when all the "SNOW" melts into the ground a bunch of grass and flowers don't grow because they have all been polluted by the poison solid liquid "
Pics or GTFO...
hahahahahahah fail. Don't waste our time mptherfucking h8rs. You fail. Step down and stop hatin on shit. Advice. Nothing else was wanted or needed and u r wasting space in a warehouse here for us provided at no cost to us. Fail. Fail. Fail. Go fapoff to a picture of your plants on some other site and stop wasting my timee. And if u can grow eight plants to a pot fuckificare fuckifanyone does, we all gotta do our own shit. Let this nigga do his shit.
better than growin out your ass, LoL.
maybe.... the root space in the asshole is pretty good. as long as you don't wash your asshole with rain/snow water it would be okay, also depends on what your diet is like
That's pretty much all I learned from this thread besides that on the light bulb packages that it says "D" for daylight and "S" for soft bulbs from Stoner.Barbie. as I didn't know that because I've never cared about looking at a lightbulb package
you sure did ,didnt you.........The fact that I shutdown brickhouse 3-4 times. he gets stumped and started degrading like an idiot... lol, it's shameful. I gave him respect for a while until I caught him slipping and noticed he is a fake. you trolls are too slow....
hey dip shit, this is his thread, you cant tell him to leave you wienerface!! you can leave though. so yeah pics or you gtfo. looks like theres no pics. only one more option. LEAVE
Argument FAIL again...
I already posted pics in the thread and you commented on them. ADD?
Taffy promised us pictures yesterday, I thought he was a man of his word...
Plants not feeling so sexy? Maybe a little bloated? Some morning sickness?
Hey Taffy... if you dont give your plants 12 or more hours of darkness a day you will never see any buds... See? I am helpful!!