8* TH Seeds Chocolate Chunk clones, 400w hps Wilma Dripper grow


Active Member
so I have been pretty busy recently and have only got back on the web.
time to tell you what kit I have and everything and hat will be running throughout the grow
strain- TH Seeds Chocolate chunk.8 clones from chunk mother
Tent- 1.2m*1.2m*2m budbox
light-400w hps
air flow- 100mm RVK and a 100mm rhino carbon filter also 1 6" clip fan
system- grown in a 8 pot drip Wilma system. the nutrients being used are canna aqua vega, canna aqaua flores, canna pk13/14 and canna boost.

so to the grow
For the 1st initial weeks i did not have anywhere i could set up the kit so the plants stayed small and stunted under a 9w cfl on 24hrs a day. Stayed like this till 11th Sept that is when day 1 of veg started

Then on the 11-09-12 Day 1. i set up the kit fully and started on a small dose of aqua vega 20ml per 60L to get the plants used to food. light at 18/6 now

16-09-12 Day 5 of veg in tent. the weak nutrient mix was removed and a full strength mix was added 120ml per 60L of A and B each. left picture is of one chunk that i topped whilst it was under the 9w cfl
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17-09-12 Day 6 all plants were topped apart from 1 runt and one that had been topped when it was being stunted under the cfl
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19-09-12 Day 8

21-09-12 Day 10 update of all plants and the one that got toped before being put in grow room 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] up on right hand side

so far this is all the updates i have and will keep you posted. :)


Active Member
ok so a quick update here. i am trying to fill the spaces either side of the wilma tank and want bushy plants so today i decided i would spend some time and put individual grids over the 4 middle plants. i put them in there own little grids because it just makes it easyer for me to move them around when i need to wash the tank out and things :) well any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated.


keep training outwards, keep the tallest growing tip on the outer edge of canopy, middle will fill itself :bigjoint:


Active Member
thanks mcross just trained them out abit more looking better already. thanks for the advice :)
chog on!


Active Member
Ok so the chunks are doing quite well and I have just emptied and cleaner all of the pumps pipes tank ect.. and have now put 50L of water in with 100ml of Canna Aqua vega A+B each
I am wondering if i could switch to flower soon but I am not to sure if the ladies are ready.
this is a picture of them all out of the tent while cleaning
any thoughts on when I should flower would be great
I was thinking of leaving them on veg the rest of today and then the next day switch to 12/12 and keep the Veg tank of nutes for the 1st week of flower. good idea or not?
Chog on:-o


Active Member
sorry epor
been busy recently :):joint:
ok so the chunks are at day 5 of flower now and are really stretching.
i moved some of them round to even out the canopy 2 days ago and it seems to have done the trick.
roots are now poking out of the bottom and going into the tank so that's good.
yesterday i was donated by a very kind fellow a new reflector so no more heat spots for me

some pre flowers are starting to form now and there all female (good cuttings​
topped up the tank on day 3 of flower with an extra 20L and 20ml of A+B aqua vega because they have been so thirsty.
going to swap to flower nutes in 6-8 days when flowers really start to form
so this is how there looking on day 5 picture on the right is the topped beast and she is really coming along nicely now
enjoy the pics and i look foward to seeing some bud
Chog on!


Active Member
so were now on Day 10 of flower. nutes were changed yesterday to full strength flower nutes and boost. 30ml of canna aqua flores per 10L and canna boost 20ml per 10L and i had 60L in my tank.
everything seems to be going well. all clones have now shown there sex and there all ladies

none of them are tied down now and seem to be filling the space quite well and going to the outside but id like some advice weather or not i should try and tie them out to the sides or just let them fill it naturally
and of course here are the pictures at Day 10 of flower


Looking good man, nice canopy, have another good week of stretch to train with so keep them outer tips high, pinch, bend or supercrop anything directly under the light that isnt doing what its told, who says you need a grid to get a g per watt ;) 14.2 btw !!


Active Member
right so the chunky ladies are nearing the end of week 2 and they have really stretched :)
2 days ago the ladies were tied towards the side of the tent and then i supercropped some of the big middle branches. all seems to have responded quite well
enjoy the pics hope to see bud in the next week :) last picture is the topped beast she has gone wild


Active Member
yeah it probibly is this is my 2nd time growing and 1st time hydro so i dont have all the proper meters so i cant check it :/
i shall have to invest at some point
thanks kush


Active Member
cheers kush. next grow i shall be upgrading hopefully so i will get that sorted for next time.
it wont damage them to much being stretched out abit?
anything in the mean time whilst i cant check the ppm that i can do?


Active Member
right then
its the end of week 3 of flower and the ladies have still been streching abit but it seems to have slowed down now.
little buds are starting to form on the heads now so shouldnt be to long till there is some nugs :P
any advice or tips on if you think the chunks look a little sad would be great :)
anyway enjoy the pics


Active Member
time for an update
the chunks are now at the end of week 4 of flower and have really started to bud up over the last week.
i had a timer trip out the other day and they got an extra 15mins of light. ive sorted out the problem now and it doesn't seem to have effected them to much.
there hasn't been alot of growth height wise this week which is good :)
anyway enjoy the pics and any comments would be great

really excited about watching these ladies grow buds now :D


Active Member
just thought i would upload a quick pic of what was originally the topped beast (although there all abit wild now) from the side. got little buds starting to form all the way up it. enjoy