8" to 6" conversion ... I'm confused

I ordered a 5'x5' tent that should be here tomorrow. I'm planning to go with the cool Melon Head 8" reflector (they don't make it in a 6") and a bad ass 8" fan exhausting outside and using room air for intake. 1000W HPS...tryin' to keep it cool.

Heres the rub:
The damn tents only come, as many of you know, with 6" vents.


What do you have to do to reduce, then enlarge, the opening at the tent to accomodate a 6" opening?

Is this something that I can pick up at the hardware store?...some sort of reducer thingie?


Well-Known Member
Yes, they can be obtained in the ducting department at any hardware store, Lowes, HD, etc. Around $4 each I think

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
if you reduce there is no reason to make it bigger on the other side. Only so much air can pass through the 6" hole so you may as well just keep it 6" all the way out. Or what I would do is just modify your tent. Just make four cuts in the tent and duct tape the flaps to your hose.