8 week old white widow auto new breed seeds


Well-Known Member
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Here she is through thick and thin so breeder estimated 68 days for her in these pics she is 61 days old. My question would be will she really finish in the next week or so or more like 2 1/2 -3


Well-Known Member
Hey brotha! Shes looking really good! Pretty good size for a auto, hope mine gets that big! Im still EXTREMELY new at this, so please take my opinion/answer with a grain of salt lol but id say shes on the 2 1/2 -3 boat. Hopefully someone with a little bit more experience can give you a answer! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Those finishing time on breeders packs are if they are grown under optimum conditions and still yet, I don't think the breeders let them finish properly in that amount of time. Let it go a few more weeks and get a 30x magnifier to look at the trichomes. when they cloudy-milky they finished. You doing good so far, keep up the good growing. bongsmilie