8 weeks into flower, have questions...


I have white widow and blueberry, no pics atm, however, my veg room smells like it should, however, my flowering room has absolutely no smell what so ever. As the title states, it's grown in subcool's super soil under a 400 watt hps, but the flowering plants have 0 smell.

I cut 4 lower buds, dried they weigh in at 2 grams each, after 7 days drying then 1 week in a dark jar with lid opening every day for about 1 hour. The wierd part is, it smells like hay! or like cut grass. There is absolutely no smell other then that.

Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?


I need more info.

You aren't drying too fast, it sounds like you harvested correctly. It could be that you didn't flush, like delta*nine mentioned. It's essential to flush your plants (feed them only water) for at least 2 weeks before harvest. Another thing is your plants could be very leafy and airy with not a lot of buds. Again, we need more info as there could be several reasons.


Well a few said flushing, and your right, I didn't flush. I'll start doing that from now on.

If I ever get a decent digi camera I'll take pics.


Well-Known Member
May be the buds aren't ready yet. Mine are in the 6th week and are filling out, but no sign of resin yet. Do they have any frosting on them?


yeah had a few issues when I first started, a heat issues cause the temperature in this region got really hot compared to normal, temps at the start were high 80's 95 max no co2, took a week to get it between 70-80. Also some noob over watering but got that under control.

Overall most of it went very well.

trichlone fiend

New Member
yeah had a few issues when I first started, a heat issues cause the temperature in this region got really hot compared to normal, temps at the start were high 80's 95 max no co2, took a week to get it between 70-80. Also some noob over watering but got that under control.

Overall most of it went very well.
....I see, since you we're growing in soil, I do NOT believe your flush had anything to do with it. Flushing is directed towards growing hydro, not soil .....I doubt very seriously that one could flush out all the bat shit in his soil....I'm just say'n.