800 W Purple Kush /Aurora Indica / Blue Mystic - From Seed to Harvest

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
Hey RIU. Thought I'd do a thread from start to finish of my first real, semi-sophisticated grow. I'm planning on doing a SOG type grow coupled with a SCroG. I purchased 10 fem seeds from Nirvana (5 Aurorica and 5 Bystic) and have Purple Kush clones. For germinating, I used the Propagator Pro and The Germination Kit from Nirvana (ALL 10 popped in under 36 hours, just dropped the seed in straight from it's shipping strip. Quickest germination and sprout I've ever seen). For the new seedlings, I am using 2 40W 6500k CFL's and have the new seedlings under a humidity dome (I was going to keep them there until they show some true leaves...bad idea? Should they just go under the HID now? This is the one part I'm worried about...

To Veg, I have a 250W MH. I also have a 400W MH, but I'm thinking the 250 is better for these young girls and even the mother. I don't think you need a huge light for vegging. You could get away with fluoros for vegging I think as well. Maybe I'm wrong. I only plan on vegging for 2 weeks for each batch, just to get some strength in the stems and prepare the girls for a nice flowering regimen.

For flowering, I have a 400W HPS and a 400W Warm Deluxe 3000k MH, designed for flowering. Since it is still a MH, I'm assuming using that light will produce smaller, but denser, heavier buds, then moved to the HPS, which will produce fuller, larger buds. So my plan is to move in the 4 PK in 2 weeks, put under the 400 MH. 2 weeks after, move those between the MH and the HPS, and bring in 4 Aurorica's, put under MH. In 2 weeks, I'll put in 4 Bystics under the MH, move the Aurorica to under MH and HPS and the PK primarily under HPS. In the meantime, I'm going to cut 6-8 clones from my PK mother, and hopefully have 4 rooted clones ready to go in under MH. I am also hoping that by this time, the 2 remaining Nirvana's will be big and strong enough to start cutting clones from, and I'll have a perpetual garden, 4 clones every 2 weeks, alternating between PK, Aurorica, and Bystic. I'm planning on trying some other strains, notably Swiss Cheese and Bubblelicious, from Nirvana, but I think these 3 should be enough for now.

I am growing in Pro-Mix with 3/4 recommended dosage of NHF Grow and Bloom Fertilizer. I'm using "Sweet" carb supplement, and I have Big Bud bud enhancer (a phosphate supp I believe). I'm going to be updating pics every week, so I hope that whatever I'm doing wrong during the grow, someone will steer me in the right direction.

On a side note, I'd like to veg an Aurorica for a few months under a SCroG. Sounds like it could be fun!

Anyway, thanks for checking out my thread!

The first pics are the seedlings, 2 1/2 days old. Is that light close enough? Is it too close? Should I keep the dome on?

These 3 pics are of the PK Mother and one of the clones.

These last 2 pics are just a wider shot of the Veg cabinet (4ft X 2 ft X 4ft, my flower room, which I will post up pics when I move these girls in, is 7 ft X 5 ft X 6ft).

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
I'm only going to have 16 clones in at any one time. From the SOG set-ups I've seen, I thought this was too little lol. The clones will probably only grow to 6 inches or so. I'm basically just rooting them, putting them in 6 or 8' pots, and throwing them in flowering. I figure under 800W, I could easily get twice as many clones in a SOG. I'm doing perpetual though, so I'd like to pull out 4 every 2 weeks and harvest. I'm aiming for an O or 2 every 2 weeks.

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
thanks. Now can anyone offer any advice on the seedlings? I'm worried that the way I'm doing them isn't proper. Are the 2 40W CFL's enough or too much light? Should they be closer or further away? Any help would be appreciated.

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
so should i just throw the seedlings under the 250 MH? How close should i have the lights? I'm not used to seeds at all. I usually just use clones


Well-Known Member
im also growing purple kush right now, just a few days into flowering, so it will be interesting to see how they will compare to your PK

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
Nice. I'll put pics every week or 2. These PK's never get big at all, regardless how long I veg for. They have virtually zero stretch when i start flowering them, maybe growing 3 inches at the most. That PK mother in my pictures is almost 3 months old right now


Well-Known Member
From experience, I would say you should try to get those seedlings closer the light. They really don't need the dome either. Keep them in the tray, but put something under the pots to raise them to the light ( I use a few empty playstation game cases, that way I can remove them 1 at a time as they grow to the light) If not, you will get really stretchy long flimsy stalks.

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
I think i felt the need to use the dome because I am so used to clones. Been so long since i planted and grew a seed.

So I should take off the dome and move the tops closer to the lights? How close do you recommend? They are each a 40Watt 6500k cfl. Not huge, but they are too hot for rooting clones I find. I use a little 14w 14 inch flouro tube for cloning.

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
Why would I veg with my HPS and flower with my MH?

And I moved the seedlings within maybe a cm to the cfls. I really got them confused with clones and didnt want them to burn. How long should I keep them under the cfl's before moving to under the MH? And how close normally to a 250W MH (I know the heat test, but anyone have any experience with a 250w MH and seedlings?)