800 Watt Grow; Pakistan Ryder, cheese auto, white widow auto


Well-Known Member
Just realized I do not have an pakistan ryder seed... after checking the website, I purchased an Afghan Kush Ryder seed.

also after I reset my temp gauge, my bathroom only drops to 67 at night while being 77 during the day.
i had a mutated AKR once, yeilded about an 1/8th. Nice smoke. I've seen most other people have great results tho. I think im still gonna go for the pakistani ryder next time tho. Nice grow too, im keepin an eye on ur dinafem WW, im doin a fem seed run in a couple of months so lookin out for potential strains :-) :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i had a mutated AKR once, yeilded about an 1/8th. Nice smoke. I've seen most other people have great results tho. I think im still gonna go for the pakistani ryder next time tho. Nice grow too, im keepin an eye on ur dinafem WW, im doin a fem seed run in a couple of months so lookin out for potential strains :-) :leaf:

never grown the pakistan ryder, but I saw a AKR grow that was fire. Primarily why I added it to the list. I also saw some fire Purple Kush autos so I ordered those too.


Well-Known Member
Update! No pics!

bought a bottle of Snow Storm Ultra because the guy at the hydroshop said it sells like crazy. So I take it home add 3/4 the recommended dose (0-0-3) in 3 gallons split the gallons up fed only 3 of the plants to test it, fed the rest with out it.

The 3 plants fed basically all are dropping now and look as if they are struggling for life. I am guessing it has hormones in it that might shock a plant full dose. I wish they would put shit like that on the bottle. All it says is from K20 soluble potash... So I gave them an hour or so to see if they went back up and they didnt. So I flushed them with about a gallon each to get whatever was left in it out before it burnt them. Not very impressed. Will try again with a 1/4 the recommended dosage. I am sure they will bounce back, I read online the hormones can shock the plant after I fed them.

Luckily the plants fed were not the largest ones so no harm done. 100% positive they will bounce back, if they dont I am going to get a refund for selling me poison.

It is either that or the fact I switched to R/O water with added minerals. The minerals added are sodium bicarbonate and sodium some other shit ahah. Anyways there is no chance the tiny amount of minerals added for taste could hurt the plants. This also will be tested.

Anyways now I know to stick with the distilled water without minerals (salt).


Well-Known Member
Damn good thing you decided to test that shit on those 3 before you did them all, I'm always super scared To fry my plants so I'm always doing like a. Quarter dose and barley ever going over 3/4 the dose that the bottles say they want you using that stuff up.


Well-Known Member
Damn good thing you decided to test that shit on those 3 before you did them all, I'm always super scared To fry my plants so I'm always doing like a. Quarter dose and barley ever going over 3/4 the dose that the bottles say they want you using that stuff up.
Well now I am actually sad I didnt do them all. When I woke up this morning the plants I had fed blew up with bud growth. So I gave the rest of them the same dosage. None of them did the same thing, but that time I used the distilled water and not the mineral water. None of my plants are drooping as they were last night. My guess is it was the mineral water. They are both the same brand so I assumed they both had the same PH. My assumption was wrong the mineral water had a PH of 4, and the distilled water has a ph of 6.4. So the I believe it was the combination of the extremely low PH'd water and the nutrients that shocked the plant. Anyways, growth was extremely nice in the morning. The plant had double its bud size from the night before, not a lot of bud was there to begin with but still faster than the other plants.

I will not be using the sparklets R/O water with added minerals anymore. The distilled water is distilled and then purified with R/O filtration (says on the bottle) but no added minerals so they are pretty much the same thing. My guess is the sodium bicorbonate and sodium trisomething had an effect on the plant, maybe like salt toxicity.

It was probably just a combination of things that caused plant overload. my mind is boggled right now ahah


Well-Known Member
UPDATE!!! Day 28-29
IMAG0225.jpgThe four in this pic are, the smallest is the white widow non auto, the second smallest is the 22 day old W.W auto, the largest next two both W.W in the back left corner is the 28-29 day old W.W auto, and the one in the front row on the right side is the cheese auto.
IMAG0226.jpgThe biggest one with the most buds is the cheese auto, the one next to it in the left front corner is the cheese auto and the akr is hiding behind them both.

Next post I will edit the pics and put arrows and names towards each plant. the names are written on the pots so I cant get em mixed up


Well-Known Member
I have decided to put off the purple kush auto because I am sick an tired of waiting for them and by the time they get here my other autos will be half way through flower. The other day I put two Reserve Privada Skywalker OG kush seeds, two Cali Connection Boss Hog, and one Reverse Privada Kosher kush seed. They all went into soil today so I am wait for them to sprout. I will be cloning each plant and will be keeping the best plants clone as a mother. I also have three clones going from the best plant that came from the seeds I crossed.


Well-Known Member
Update! Day 31-32

IMAG0227.jpgIMAG0229.jpg White widow auto 31 inches tall 23 inches wide on each side, 5 gallon pot, 31-32 days old. I strung branches up and down on this one to have a nice even canopy. I did not want it to be short and bushy because it would take up to much space so this is the best I could do while keeping an even canopy.
IMAG0230.jpg Afghan Kush Ryder, decided to keep it since it had a nice little growth spurt. It has some genetic mutation that causes it to have all clawed leaves. How the leaves grow cause the leaves to grow too thin an long making it a claw I guess. No its not over watered. I have tried everything to turn the growth around but nothing helps. Hopefully it is still nice and frosty. It is 31 days old. Never tied this one down at all.
IMAG0231.jpg Cheese auto 32 days
IMAG0233.jpg The main plant is a Cheese auto, 31 days
IMAG0234.jpg 25 day old W.W auto
IMAG0235.jpgProbably going to make a new thread for these in Indoor growing since non of them are autos and I doubt any of you will want to see them. if anyone wants to see the non autos, let me know and I will continue to post them in this thread.
IMAG0236.jpg 32 day old Cheese auto. No matter what I did this plant would not keep an even canopy...
IMAG0238.jpg A nice picture of some of the plants


Well-Known Member
For got to mention the seeds in cups are;

2 DNA Sleestack x Skunk(reg)
1 Reserve Privada(RP) Kandy kush (fem)
1 RP Kosher Kush (fem)
2 RP Skywalker OG kush (fem)
1 RP OG Kush #18 (fem) (Not in the picture)
1 RP Sour Kush (fem) (not in the picture)
1 Cali Conn Tahoe OG (reg) (not in the picture)
2 Cali Conn Boss Hog (reg).

I will clone each plant once they are large enough, and I am hoping to find at least one fire phenotype and preserve it for awhile as a clone. The fem seeds wont reclone after a few years I am told, but you can clone the regular seeds forever. I will be vegging each clone I take under T5 lamps and then I will keep the mother to whichever plant was the best. Then cut up all the rest that were not the best but still good into clones and once there rooted take them to the local dispensary (cloneville) and make a few hundred bucks easy. It is actually funny how clubs will buy nice looking clones from anyone off the street. If you are looking for good genetics to keep do not buy clones, you are usually getting whatever the grower doesn't want, like in my situation. Luckily in my situation the buyer is still getting nice genetics just not the best, so I do not feel guilty :D.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE Day 40.

IMAG0254.jpg Pakistan Ryder. 40 days old. Thought it was going to be a tinny little runt but it got pretty big, new leaf growth is coming out nice so the previous problem has been fixed.
IMAG0251.jpg Cheese auto 40 days
IMAG0253.jpg Cheese Auto 40 days
IMAG0252.jpg Giant White Widow auto. Now 45 inches tall and 34 inches wide on each side. 40 days
IMAG0250.jpg Seedlings doing good.
IMAG0249.jpgCheese auto, 40 days
IMAG0256.jpg 33 day old White Widow.


Active Member
Looking real good man. I just planted a WW auto seed in soil this morning along with 20 Spyders. I think i might pollinate her with a male Spyder. What lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I finally realized how bad the HPS bulbs made my pictures look. Much better pics with it off.

Also I read and watched a few threads about using only MH through flowering and saw great results, so I tried adding one MH and one HPS to give a full spectrum. The only problem is I am noticing slower bud growth on a few of the plants under the MH. Idk why people would use all MH through flowering considering they give off half the luminosity a HPS bulb gives. I will probably be switching back to double HPS once I get my 200 Watt Grow CFL for the seedlings. I refuse to veg plants under a HPS... I have seen side by side grows with a HPS/HPS for veg/flower and a MH/HPS for veg/flower. the test was run on all clones from the same mother. Plants under the MH/HPS for veg/flower did twice as good. The reason is because high amounts of red spectrum in veg cause plants to stretch.

Also, has anyone tried flowering plants under all MHs?

heres a quote from a grower on this site.

While it is true, that the hps is in the correct spectrum for flowering.
An MH flowered crop will be very good.
Don’t feel you need to run out and get an HPS, if you don’t have one. Many fine growers prefer MH for flowering.

heres another quote

"people change to hps because they don't know any better. Its what someone told them was correct. The red light is going to grow slightly bigger LESS POTENT buds because the trichomes/resin is dilluted by the slightly bigger nugs. The rise in plant material is not proportionate to the rise in trichomes. The halides pump out uvb which force the plant to insulate and protect themselves with more trichomes/resin. Believe that. If you want connoisseur nugs, you grow with halides."

Some of this information does not make sense!!!! Metal Halides give out little to no UVB. If they are federally regulated then they are tested before use to see how much UVB is given out. UVB is dangerous and not healthy for your skin/eyes which is why they test these products and make them to have very tinny amounts of UVB. So that is debunked... People say they see better trich production under MH bulbs... Yet I am seeing the opposite... I am seeing heavy trichome production under the HPS and little to none under the MH. I am going to just go ahead and agree the growers who are doing this have never really gone out of there way to test it. Or it simply works like a placebo effect and you just really believe your buds are better. It also doesnt make sense because plants prefer a high red/orange spectrum for flowering. If anyone has any insight on this let me know.

King Cobra

Active Member
True HPS will give you big dense nugs!! But if you introduce the blue spectrum in flowering...the molecular structure of the bud will be complete. Cause your plants need the full spectrum through their whole life..as in nature. If that blue spectrum is not there then yes the plant wont use it, that does not mean that it does not need it!!


Active Member
the above few post had me interested, because a few weeks ago i was wondering bout MH/ HPS with autos, i decided to do my own thing, im gonna be doing the MH for 3 weeks with my autos, and then switch to the HPS system.... i want to see for myself if the veg cycle even for the small amount of time it gets makes it worth it, i plan on running another auto run with all hps next time same seeds and will beable to see and tell differences!


Active Member
nice plants and nice growing autos! sorry i didnt mean to hijack and go rambling on in the above post