800 watts too much for 48 cf?


Active Member
As you can tell, this is my first post... I am new to growing and am attempting my first grow in a decent sized closet. I am lighting an area that is 3ft deep, 4ft wide, and a 4ft growing height when adjusted for lighting. My closet (with all lights on) maintains a steady 77*f. My question is; am I overdoing it with 575 watts of metal hilide, 150 watts of high pressure sodium, and 75 watts from a florescent growing lamp?


Active Member
I've got twelve plants going and plan on keeping the 8 best. I have two plants with a couple of brown spots on them and I am afraid it is from over lighting. Any response appreciated.


Well-Known Member
how are you getting the 575 mh? to me it doesn't sound like to much light. just make sure you have the top of your plants at a safe distance.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you have it going on for lights, have you checked for heat issues yet? and i highly recomend getting some mylar

Plants on Nitro

Active Member
More light the better it looks like you have all the spectrum covered. Except for the heat build up. Getting rid of the heat is the hardest part of your grow.


Active Member
I don't really have to worry too much about a heat sig because the closet I am growing in is right by the hot water heater and I live out in the country. As far as heat build up I'm not too bad because I maintain about 75-77* on the 18 and about 65* on the 6.

Also, what is the mylar for? Is it for reflectivity; if so can't I just use the dull side of some aluminum foil?